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Thither Lord Ernest has just gone, arrayed in a captivating Court costume of black velvet, with cut-steel buttons, sword, and buckles just the dress in which Washington used to receive his guests at the White House, and in which Senator Seward, I remember, insisted in 1860 on getting himself presented by Mr. Dallas to Queen Victoria at Buckingham Palace. SION HOUSE, COUNTY TYRONE, Feb. 3d.

There was an additional weight given to his judgment, arising from his being a disinterested beholder only. The looker-on can sometimes form a more independent and impartial opinion of the course and results of the contest, than those who are actually engaged in it. But at length, in June, 1813, he was persuaded to accept the post of a Senator of the United States, and took his seat that month.

If we mean to jest, this comparison of your's would form a pretty Irony: but if we are talking in real earnest, we should pay the same scrupulous regard to truth, as if we were giving evidence upon oath. As a Citizen, a Senator, a General, and, in short, a man who was distinguished by his prudence, his activity, and every other virtue, your favourite Cato has my highest approbation.

To his thinking an animal more injurious than Goarly to the best interests of civilisation could not have been produced by all the evil influences of the world combined. "Do you really think," said the Senator calmly, "that a man should be hanged for killing a fox?" John Runce, who was not very ready, turned round and stared at him.

"How many homesteaders did you succeed in nabbing out of that last train-load?" "About a hundred, Senator! I've got the list of 'em here . . . haven't counted, but think it will tally up about a hundred." "What are they, Germans?" "No, Swedes." Moyese laughed. "Thrifty beggars will job round and earn double while they're operating for us! Got good big families, Bat?"

"No one except myself is allowed to speak to him during his illness. He even gives his orders to the army through me alone." Mesembrius sniffed the air suspiciously. "Why does so strong a smell of musk and amber come from this tent?" "Why?" repeated Aper, his face blanching. "Why do you desire to know, Senator?"

The late General Gordon related to me the above incident, and added that the leaders mentioned were at a later day well known to the country, one the learned Bishop Longstreet of Georgia, the other the eloquent Senator McDuffie of South Carolina.

"Kate is the daughter of Senator Roberts, and if this marriage is broken off in any way without the senator's consent, he is in a position to injure my interests materially. If you see Jefferson send him to me in the library. I'll go and keep Roberts in good humour until he comes." He went downstairs and Mrs. Ryder proceeded to her apartments, where she found Jefferson chatting with Kate.

His slow, full respiration lifted the clothes with each breath that he took. His features were calm and striking. I had never seen them appear to better advantage than for the first hour, perhaps, that I was there. After that, his right eye began to swell and that part of his face became discolored ... Senator Sumner was there, I think, when I entered.

They demanded the ballot for every slave, the confiscation of the property of the white people of the South and its bestowment upon negroes and camp-followers as fast as the Union army should penetrate into the States in rebellion. Senator Winter's argument was based on sound reasoning theoretically whatever might be said of its wisdom as a National policy.