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Hiram stopped short, looked this faltering faint-heart all over from head to heel with withering scorn, and demanded: "Ain't you got sportin' blood enough to know the difference between a high-station game-cock and that old bow-legged Mormon down there scratchin' your garden-seeds?"

"I'm sorry for them" says he. "It must he almighty hard scratchin'." Well, we rode the range for upwards of two year. In that time we saw our Texas friends name of Hahn two or three times in Willets, and heard of them off and on. They bought an old brand of Steve McWilliams for seventy-five dollars, carryin' six or eight head of cows.

But not in business or while you're kickin' and scratchin' and clawin' your way up." Susan shook her head slowly. She felt painfully young and inexperienced and unfit for the ferocious struggle called life. She felt deathly sick. "Of course it's a hard world," said Matson with a wave of his cigar. "But did I make it?" "No," admitted Susan, as his eyes demanded a reply. "Sure not," said he.

And our little old million-dollar-a-rod hill is the unlikeliest place to look for a mine I ever did see. Just plain dirt and sand. No indications; just a plain freak. I'd sooner take a chance in the pasture lot behind pa's red barn any one would. We covered up all the scratchin' we did and the wind has done the rest. Here you was to do the talkin'. Go on."

Funny how some women first want to get married, then want their men to get rich, then instead of bein' satisfied get the society itch and after that are forever scratchin', ain't it? Mrs. Sayers spends about half her time in Europe. Schools here weren't good enough for her girl Margaret, so she took her over to some of those nunneries in France and Switzerland, and goodness knows where.

"Like t' owd flea-bitten mare used to stand bottom o' Church Hill out o' Water Street, waitin' for t' bus comin'. They'd take the bar offen 'er back, hitch it to pole, an' away she'd go, scratchin' and scramblin' up to moor, like cat on roof-tiles. Ha! ha!" laughed Ned, and took a pull from the pewter. "But, say, who be you, standin' drinks like an owd friend?"

Come on, now, you throw the shells on them horses an' we'll be scratchin' gravel. Fifty miles ain't no hell of a ways my throat's beginnin' to feel kind of draw'd already." "W'er' we goin'?" asked the half-breed as they swung into the saddles. "Bat," said the other, solemnly, "me an' you is goin' fast, an' we're goin' a long time.

Buck's quick inquiry met with a significant silence, which Montana Ike finally broke. "See here," he cried, with sudden force. "What's the use in astin' fool questions? Ther' ain't no gold, ther' ain't nuthin'. We got color fer scratchin' when we first gathered around like skippin' lambs, but ther's nuthin' under the surface, an' the surface is played right out. I tell you it's a cursed hole.

Seems to me if I'm willin' to turn out at that ungodly hour and then go scratchin' around the henhouse to please you, you might be willin' to have a piece of pie het up for me." "Well, maybe you're right. But I must say well, I'll try and do it. It'll seem kind of hard, though, after the simple breakfasts Kenelm and I have when we're alone. But what are you stoppin' for?"

No, he didn't leave any forwardin' address and he hasn't been back since." "Huh!" says Z. K., scratchin' his left ear. "He'd had the impudence to go and get himself married, too. Think of that Ellins! A youngster who never did a stroke of real work in his life loads himself up with a family in these times.