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Why can't you put aside this fool idea and go to the opera with me?" "I have seen Carmen in Paris, Rome, London and New York," she replied. "Carmen is your favorite opera, besides." "Not to-night," whimsically. "Go, then; but please recollect that if anything serious comes of your folly, I did my best to prevent it. It's a scatter-brained idea, and no good will come of it, mark me."

It troubled me to think of my dear girl working for herself, and finding the fight grow harder and harder as the years passed, as all women must, and of Austin left to Mellicent's scatter-brained care; but you see I might have had more faith, for my fears were needless Esther's home will be a stronghold for the family, and Professor Reid is so congenial in his tastes that Austin will find unending interest in his society.

Once came a rumor that she was going to make a grand marriage in England; then we heard that the gentleman had thought better of it and left her to keep afloat as she could. She was a terribly scatter-brained creature. She pretends to be a great lady, but I consider that old Filomena, my washer-woman, is in essentials a greater one. But certainly, after all, she has been fortunate.

"She's scatter-brained; you can't get round that. Going off after the dance in that idiotic way. It's maddening." "Well, there are two questions that must be resolved before we can get any further," I commented. "The first is whether your sister has gone back she may have been safe in bed for the last hour and a half for all we know. And the second is whether she is honestly in love with Banks.

I thought a little, and recollected a man of that name, who had worked with us a year or two before a great friend of a certain scatter-brained Irish lad, brother of Crossthwaite's wife. "Well, I did once, but I have lost sight of him twelve months, or more."

Now all of a sudden he beheld her transfigured, beside herself, her scatter-brained little head flung back in an attitude of giving, that offered the victorious playwright her snowy throat. Ethnological reasons underlie woman's adoration of everything strong, shining, violent. "If I were not here," thought Darlés with melancholy, "surely she would go to him."

She was able to picture a cheerful, noisy home, full of shouting, dark, untidy-headed children, with an untidy-headed servant, a scatter-brained mother, and an unexacting father in charge. "Curley" usually went to sleep on the sofa after dinner, and Mrs. Curley's sister, Mrs. Royce, with her children, or her sister-in-law, "Mrs.

"I am more inclined to believe that Joe Bodley is playing tricks. Why! he's kept bar in the city and I know he was telling some of the scatter-brained young fools who hang around the Inn, that he's often seen 'peter' used in men's drink to knock them out. 'Peter, you know, is 'knock-out drops!" "No, I don't know," said Janice, with disgust. "Or, I didn't till you told me."

On this the Junker answered with such high and grave dignity as I should not have looked for in so scatter-brained a wight: "The best patent of nobility, fair lady, is that of the maid to whom God Almighty has vouchsafed the gentlest soul and sweetest grace; and in all this assembly I have found none more richly endowed with both than the damsel against whom I in jest have made complaint.

He is a serious and trustworthy man, not a chatterbox or scatter-brained simpleton who loses his head. Thus you may take him into the secret, but not till my vessel is in sight. May all be well with you." "Well, what do you say to that?" asked Titianus, taking the letter from his wife's hand. "Is it not more than vexatious our work was going on so splendidly."