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Babbie's such a giddy scatter-brained youngster, you'd think he'd prefer " "Do you like him, Fairy? Don't you think he's tiresome? He talks so much, it seems to me." "To be sure I like him. He's great fun. He's always joking and never has a sensible thought, and hates study. He's an amusing soul, I must say. He's going to attend here a couple of years, and then study pharmacy.

And yet the supply does not come. Yes, and moreover, this great body of enthusiastic demanders are no mere poor and helpless people, ignorant fisher-peasants, half- mad monks, scatter-brained sansculottes none of those, in short, the expression of whose needs has shaken the world so often before, and will do yet again.

It'll go on until his old partner that softy George Barker comes to the bottom of his d d fool luck and is a penny-a-liner for the papers and a hanger-round at free lunches, and his scatter-brained wife runs away with another man!

"Since the unions got in here I've had nothing but trouble," he said. "I've tried to do my duty by my people, God knows. But they won't see which side their bread's buttered on. They oppose me at every step, they vote against their own interests. Some years ago they put up a job on us, and sent a scatter-brained radical to the legislature." "Krebs." "Do you know him?" "Slightly.

It is such a good thing to have a governess who really seems well-bred; it does make it so much easier to treat her with consideration. 'Do the children like her? Beatrice asked. 'Very much indeed. And it's wonderful how she controls them; they are scatter-brained little creatures. 'Will she go abroad with you? 'Oh, no, I don't think that necessary.

As this remark fell from her, there was a general smile, and Polly said, with mock solemnity, "It was a sad thing, and I 've no doubt that misguided young man is very sorry for it now." "He looked perfectly bowed down with remorse last time I saw him," said Will, regarding Tom with eyes full of fun, for Will was a boy as well as a bookworm, and relished a joke as well as scatter-brained Tom.

"Since the unions got in here I've had nothing but trouble," he said. "I've tried to do my duty by my people, God knows. But they won't see which side their bread's buttered on. They oppose me at every step, they vote against their own interests. Some years ago they put up a job on us, and sent a scatter-brained radical to the legislature." "Krebs." "Do you know him?" "Slightly.

They will see that if there is anything at the back of this vast process, with a consciousness and a purpose in any way resembling our own a being who knows what he wants and is doing his best to get it he is instead of a holy and all-wise God, a scatter-brained, semi-powerful, semi-impotent monster.

"M. le Comte," he said at last, "will you let me remind you that the other day when you turned me out of your house like a dishonest servant, you would not allow me to say a single word in my own justification? The man on whose word you condemned me then without a hearing, is a scatter-brained braggart who you yourself must know is not a man to be trusted and .

Some day he would marry a good match, with a good fortune; meanwhile he could take his pleasure decorously, and sow his wild oats as some of the young Londoners sow them, not broadcast after the fashion of careless scatter-brained youth, but trimly and neatly, in quiet places, where the crop can come up unobserved, and be taken in without bustle or scandal.