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"You needn't say eh about it," she replied, "to be sure I did; it was to meet him that I went to the dance; I have no saicrets." "Ah, you'll come to a good end yet, I doubt," said her father. "Sure she needn't be afeard of Providence, any how," observed his wife.

"Kate," said her husband, starting into something' like an incipient fit of fury, but suddenly checking himself "Kate, my honey, what do you mane by them words?" "What do I mane by them words?" she exclaimed, with an eye which turned on him with cool defiance; "pick that out o' your larnin', Bat, my pet. You can all keep your saicrets; an' I'll let you know that I can keep mine." "Be the Holy St.

"What is the raison," asked her husband, "that I see you an' Nanny Peety colloguin' an' huggermuggerin' so often together of late?" "Ah," she replied, with a toss of disdain, "what a manly fellow you are to want to get into women's saicrets! you may save your breath though." "Whatever you collogue about, all I say is, that I don't like a bone in the same Nanny Peety's body.

"Who's your authority for that?" asked Alley; "but whoever is, is a liar, and the truth is not in him that's what I say." "Ay, but what do you know about it?" asked the grazier. "You're not in Miss Gourlay's saicrets and a devilish handsome, gentlemanly lookin' fellow they say the button-maker is. Faith, I can tell you, I give tooth-an-egg-credit.

I know the man that's likely to walk into the property, and well worthy he is of it." "Come, Tom, let us hear who is the lucky youth?" "Family saicrets," replied Tom, "is not to be rovaled. All I can say is, that he is a true gentleman. Give me another blast o' the pipe, for I must go home." Tom, who was servant to Mr.

"I know, dear," he added, "you have no saicrets from them: I'm glad to hear it, an' for that raison I'm willin' to say what I had to say in their presence; so far as I'm concerned, it makes no difference."

She really began to doubt her senses, notwithstanding the fact of his eyes being shut. "Whisht yourself," she replied; "I don't want to hear anything about it; I have no relish for sich saicrets. I'm ready enough with my own hand, especially when there's a weapon in it readier then ever I'll be again; but for all that I don't wish to hear sich saicrets. Are you asleep or awake?"

"No, certainly not but that if any man could, you are that man." "Ay, ay," replied old Dunphy; "all bekaise he thinks I have a regard for the Gourlays. That's what makes him suppose that I know anything about the business; just as if I was in the saicrets of the family. I may have suspicions like other people; but that's all."

Keep out of his saicrets I advise you; an', above all things, avoid everything mane an' dishonest; for, Charley, I have a kind o' likin' for you that I can't explain, although I don't love you as a sweetheart. Good-night again!"

"I have every objection," replied Corbet; "something she does know, but " "O thank goodness," replied the old woman, very naturally offended at being kept out of the secret, "I'm not in all your saicrets, nor I don't wish to know them, I'm sure. I believe you find some of them a heavy burden; at any rate."