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I extended each troop across the road into the jungle, and then the men threw down their belongings where they stood and slept on their arms. Fortunately, there was no rain. Wood and I curled up under our rain-coats on the saddle-blankets, while his two aides, Captain A. L. Mills and Lieutenant W. N. Ship, slept near us. We were up before dawn and getting breakfast.

After dinner the two friends spread their saddle-blankets upon the grass, and stretched themselves thereon in attitudes of comfort, from which they could look out across the shining surface of the lake; and soon their talk almost entirely ceased. Then, for a while, they lay dreaming the time away in happy waking dreams of the future.

He spread his saddle-blankets, rolled a cigarette, and smoked. Presently he rose and took some food from a saddle-pocket. The pony, unused to the desert, fretted and sniffed at the sagebrush with evident disgust. Collie had given her water, but there was no grazing. After he had eaten he studied the rough map that Overland had given him. There, to the south, was the desert town.

This was six o'clock, and by a little after eight the weary, happy party were seated on saddle-blankets and carriage-cushions round a cheery camp- fire, eating a frugal meal, which tasted sweeter than nectar and ambrosia to their keen appetites. The boys expressed their intention of spending the night in unpacking their baggage and getting to rights generally, but Dr.

The fight continued to be hotly contested by both the trappers and Indians until, gradually, the firing ceased, when the trappers drew off and went into camp. They did not dare to light any fires, as they would inevitably bring the Indians upon them. With nothing but their saddle-blankets to protect them from the bitter cold, even the safe and sound members of the party suffered severely.

"I'll bunk by the fire," went on the other, and with that he sat down and appeared to become absorbed in thought. Roberts brought the borrowed blanket and several saddle-blankets over to where Joan was, and laying them down he began to kick and scrape stones and brush aside. "Pretty rocky place, this here is," he said. "Reckon you'll sleep some, though."

Near the east gate, reverently and decently covered with the only shroud to be had, the newest of the saddle-blankets, lay the stiffening remains of poor Donovan and his comrade.

Harry had dried out their saddle-blankets by the fire and these were their bed clothing. "This hay may have some bugs in it but they won't tickle so bad as those in the tavern," Abe laughed. Then Harry remarked: "There was lots of bad company in that tavern. The towel that hung over the washstand was as black as the ground." "It reminded me of the tavern down in Pope County," Abe yawned.

The bed-clothes were a mass of ragged fabrics, sheepskins, etc., used in the daytime for saddle-blankets and at night upon the bed. There had been added to them, however, looking particularly good and rich in contrast with their squalor, several blankets with "U. S." marked upon them. Around the room were canteens, shoes, and other soldier belongings.

Blanket, poncho, and overcoat, saddle-bags, side lines, lariat, and picket-pin everything, in fact, but themselves, their arms, cartridges, canteens, saddles, saddle-blankets, and bridles had been left to the pack-train. A good breakfast to start with, a few hardtack and slices of bacon in the breast-pocket of the hunting-shirt, settled the question of subsistence.