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He flung his arms apart in loathing; then, in a motion as boyishly weary as it was boyishly petulant, crossed them on the table before him and pillowed his head upon them. His companions did not seem to be unused to such outbursts. Rothgar appeared to find it more amusing than anything else, for his mouth expanded slowly in a grin. A snort of impatience distended the nostrils of Thorkel the Tall.

The gnarled old face of Thorkel the Tall grew livid; growling in his grizzled beard, his hand moved instinctively toward his sword. But Rothgar caught his arm with a boisterous laugh. "Slowly, old wolf!" he admonished. "Never snarl at the snapping of the cub you have raised." The King had not moved at the threatening gesture, and he did not move now, but he echoed the laugh bitterly.

Rothgar said, with some approach to formal courtesy, "I ask you to pardon it that I have done what you dislike, for I wish that the least of all the world. And I give you thanks for your gift." Their hands clasped strongly as the trinket passed from grasp to grasp. Then the sage and the soldier turned and strode past the cowering figure of Randalin and out of the linen doorway.

"But by Saint Mary, he is of the sort that is worth enduring from!" He inclined his head in devoted attention as the King turned back, lowering his tone to exclude all but the man before him. "Even less than I believe it of Elfgiva of Northampton, do I believe it of Rothgar Lodbroksson, that he would seek my life.

As he swallowed his last mouthful of food, Rothgar said abruptly, "Canute has put your training into my hands. It is his will that I find out how much skill you have with weapons." It was nothing more than she should have expected, yet it came upon her with the suddenness of a blow. She could only stammer, "Weapons?" The Jotun's voice rumbled hideously as he talked into his goblet.

"The ring, Tata, that would be the cream of all! Let him think that Rothgar gave it to you, that he is your lover! I would give many kirtles to see his face." "Rothgar?" Randalin's voice was light with scorn. "As likely would! be to think him love-struck for the serving-wench who sparkled her eyes at him, as he to think that Rothgar Lodbroksson could count for aught with me!

For the first time, she spoke to the son of Lodbrok, who had silently taken his place at her side. "This is not the Watling Street! Yet we have not turned Where are we?" Rothgar gnawed at his heavy moustache as though the answer were difficult to frame; and before he had time to evolve it, Elfgiva, who had caught the exclamation, had broken off her prattle. "That is true!

Rothgar sighed as he moved forward. "I am very unfit to speak words of cheerfulness to anybody; but this shall, like other things, be as you wish." His power should Every sagacious man Use with discretion, For he will find, When among the bold he comes, That no one alone is doughtiest. Ha'vama'l. Fold by fold, the sun's golden fingers drew apart the mists that hid the valley.

When at last his fingers stopped their nervous beat, it was to unfasten the sheath of chased gold which was attached to his waist, and stretch it out to Rothgar. "Have it your own way," he said gravely. "It is right that I pay some fine; I have a troll's temper. Take the sheath. But do not make the mistake again of laughing at me because you cannot understand me.

Laughing she looked up at him, but, even as his face was clearing, something in it struck her so strangely that her laughter died and she bent toward him in sudden gravity. "Lord! It is not possible for you to believe that I could love Rothgar!" Her manner of uttering that one word made it speak more scorn than volumes might have done.