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Now I suppose I'll get mine." A bell whirred sharply. The alert office-boy sprang to the summons, returning immediately. "Mr. M'Clinton can see you now, sir." Bob followed him through the oaken door, and along a narrow passage to a room where a spare, grizzled man sat at a huge roll-top desk. He rose as the boy shut the door behind his visitor. "Well, Captain Rainham. How do you do?"

Sally Heffer was there at a roll-top desk, still in her little brown coat quiet, pale, her clear eyes remarkably penetrating. She turned. "Yes?" He shook pitifully,... then he sat down, holding his hat in his hands. "I'm Joe Blaine...." "Joe Blaine ... of what?" "Of the printery ... that burned...." She looked at him sharply. "So, you're the employer." "Yes, I am."

On the roll-top of his desk he kept a letter spread out in front of him. It always happened that he took that letter out of his vest pocket for the purpose of destroying it, and it always happened that when he got up, far into the night, he picked the letter up and replaced it in his pocket.

Father Burrowes arrived unexpectedly two days after the lunch at Malford Lodge; and presently Brother Dunstan came to tell Mark that the Reverend Father would see him in the Abbott's Parlour immediately after Nones. Mark thought that Sir Charles might have given a mediæval lining to this room at least, which with its roll-top desk looked like the office of the clerk of the works.

One of the laths was slightly displaced and over this my friend was peering in. Crouching close beside him, I peered in also. I saw the study of a business man, with its files, neatly arranged works of reference, roll-top desk, and Milner safe. Before the desk, in a revolving chair, sat Slattin.

He, too, was musing, his thoughts keeping pleasantly in time with the rhythmic click of the wheels over the rail-joints. After a day in the open air he was growing sleepy. Uncle Peter aroused him by making his way back to the desk, the roll-top of which he lifted with a sudden rattle. He called to Percival.

A roll-top desk in the corner and three chairs were the furniture. Malcolm, after closing the door, sprawled in the swing chair before the desk, threw one leg over a drawer, which he pulled out for that purpose, and motioned his companion to occupy one of the other chairs. Captain Elisha took the offered chair and dropped his hat on the floor beside it.

Ex-light-weight amateur pugilists, with the figure now of an American roll-top desk, butt you into a corner of the billiard-room, and, surprised they cannot get as near you as they would desire, whisper to you the secret of avoiding the undercut by the swiftness of the backward leap.

Over in a far corner was a roll-top desk with a swivel chair, at which Langdon usually seated himself when he was attending to his correspondence, or looking over private papers; beside it was a huge safe, and beyond that another, smaller one. Then, there were several easy chairs upholstered in leather, a couch and two other desks.

A telephone, a gas stove, a roll-top desk, an office chair, an armchair, a tiny deal table and a wooden-seated chair comprised the furniture of the apartment. "For myself, I like severity and simplicity of surroundings," Mr. David Brunger in the office chair would tell a client in the armchair. Entering the room Mr.