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Then Grenfell turned to him and his companion. "I've made you my offer a third-share each," he said. "Are you coming?" The track-grader shook his head. "No," he replied, "I guess not. I'm making good wages here. So long as I can keep from riling Cassidy they're sure." Then he grinned at Weston. "It's your call."

But that was my impression though that she wasn't just the sort of woman for old Sabre. But after all, what the dickens sort of woman would be? Fiddling chap for a husband, old Puzzlehead. Can imagine him riling any wife with wrinkling up his nut over some plain as a pikestaff thing and saying, 'Well, I don't quite see that. Ha! Rum chap. Nice chap. Have a drink?"

Enough said. You've a riling tongue when your back's up, Herrick. Just be glad we're friends again, the same as what I am; and go tender on the raws; I'll see as you don't repent it. We've been mighty near death this day don't say whose fault it was! pretty near hell, too, I guess. We're in a mighty bad line of life, us two, and ought to go easy with each other.

"It is riling," another said; "but besides that I do not think there is much to complain about him, and his making an ass of himself at other times does not affect us so long as he plays well in the team." "No, I do not know that it does, but all the same it is a nuisance when one fellow keeps himself to himself and never seems to go in for anything.

What Junker-led men could do they have since done to make that thrasonical brag good. But there is no getting over the fact that, in Tommy Atkins's phrase, they had asked for it. Their Junkers, like ours, had drunk to The Day; and they should not have let us choose it after riling us for so many years. And that is why Sir Edward had a great surprise when he at last owned up in Parliament.

The clerks all clustered around her and began asking questions, but she was too dazed to even think of answering any of them. "I knew she'd do it!" cried Lou Willis, exultantly. "I've warned you against her a dozen times, Miss Marvin, but that's what you get for riling a jealous woman!" "She'll have a chance to get over her jealousy now," said Miss Jones.

"Your permission's not required; I'm a free man." "Are you?" Harding asked. "It strikes me as a very curious boast. Improving the occasion's a riling thing, but there was never a slave in the world tighter bound than you." "That's an impertinence!" Benson exclaimed with a flush, as unsatisfied longing drove him to fury. "What business is it of yours to preach to me? Confound you, who are you?

'Our citizens an't long of riling up, I tell you; and our Gazette could flay you like a wild cat. Martin was going to be very wroth, but he thought better of it, and said: 'In Heaven's name let them come, then. 'Oh, THEY'll come, returned the Captain. 'I have seen the big room fixed a'purpose, with my eyes.

Guy, you blow up the coals and get a blaze." All was intense excitement now, "Oh, why haven't we got a gun!" "Say, Sam, while Sap I mean Hawkeye makes a blaze, let's you and me shoot with blunt arrows, if the Bear comes toward the teepee." So they arranged themselves, Guy puttering in terror at the fire and begging them not to shoot. "What's the good o' riling him? It it it's croo-oo-el."

"So I should imagine, Wilson," the Doctor said dryly; "and if I were you I would not bother my head about it.. Nobody has succeeded in finding out any of them yet, and all the wondering in the world is not likely to get you any nearer to it." "That is what I feel, Doctor, but it is very riling to see things that you can't account for anyhow.