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Nae doot that's blaudit mony a face 'the want o' original richteousness, and the corruption o' our whole natur'. The wonner is that we're like him at a'. But we maun be like him, for he was a man born o' a wumman. Think o' that, lass!" At this moment the latch of the door was lifted, and in walked Robert Bruce.

"In Greek and Latin?" "I' richteousness an' trouth, my lord; in what's been an' what is to be." "What! has he the second sicht, like the piper?" "He has the second sicht, my lord but ane 'at gangs a sicht farther than my auld daddy's." "He could tell me then what's going to become of me? "As weel 's ony man, my lord." "That 's not saying much, I fear." "Maybe mair nor ye think, my lord."

Wha kens hoo mony may gang to the boddom afore it be dune, jist for the want o' 't?" "The fundation maun be laid in richteousness, though, mem, else what gien 't war to save lives better lost?" "That belangs to the Michty," said Miss Horn. "Ay, but the layin' o' the fundation belangs to me. An' I'll no du't till I can du't ohn ruint my sister."

Pray they did, ye may be sure, an' greit whan a' was mirk, but prayers nor tears made nae differ; the bairn was sent for, an' awa' the bairn maun gang. An' whan at len'th he lay streekit in his last clean claes till the robe o' richteousness 'at wants na washin' was put upon 'im, what cud they but think the warl' was dune for them!

It wasna his ain sins, for he had nane, but oors, that caused him sufferin'; and he took them awa' they're vainishin' even noo frae the earth, though it doesna luik like it in Rag-fair or Petticoat-lane. An' for oor sorrows they jist garred him greit. His richteousness jist annihilates oor guilt, for it's a great gulf that swallows up and destroys 't.

He took oor sins upo' him, for he cam into the middle o' them an' took them up by no sleicht o' han', by no quibblin' o' the lawyers, aboot imputin' his richteousness to us, and sic like, which is no to be found i' the Bible at a', though I dinna say that there's no possible meanin' i' the phrase, but he took them and took them awa'; and here am I, grannie, growin' oot o' my sins in consequennce, and there are ye, grannie, growin' oot o' yours in consequennce, an' haein' nearhan' dune wi' them a'thegither er this time.

"Ay, the minister brought yon puir lassie a message frae the gude Lord `Yet return again to Me' and she just took it as heartily as it was gi'en, and went and fand rest puir, straying, lost sheep! but when she came to the table o' the Lord, the ninety and nine wad ha'e nane o' her she was gude eneuch for Him in the white robe o' His richteousness, but she was no near gude eneuch for them, sin she had lost her ain and not ane soul i' a' the parish wad kneel down aside o' her.

Ony gait, I never drank better drink; an' gien ae day he but saitisfee my sowl's hunger efter his richteousness as he has this minute saitisfeed my body's drowth efter watter, I s' be a happier man nor ever sat still ohn danced an' sung." "It's an innocent cratur' at gies thanks for cauld watter I hae aye remarkit that!" said Grizzie.

"Lord," said the soutar, as he sat guiding his awl through sole and welt and upper of the shoe on his last, "there's surely something at work i' the yoong man! Surely he canna be that far frae waukin up to see and ken that he sees and kens naething! Lord, pu' doon the dyke o' learnin and self- richteousness that he canna see ower the tap o', and lat him see thee upo' the ither side o' 't.

"Who the devil do you mean, then?" "Nae deevil, but an honest man 'at's been his warst enemy sae lang 's I hae kent him Maister Graham, the schuil-maister." "Pooh!" said the marquis with a puff. "I'm too old to go to school." "I dinna ken the man 'at isna a bairn till him, my lord." "In Greek and Latin?" "I' richteousness an' trouth, my lord in what's been an' what is to be."