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Updated: August 5, 2024

And there's many a one worse off than we are today!" "Any luck at the agent's, daddy?" Mr. Mackwayte shook his head. "These revues are fair killing the trade, my dear, and that's a fact. They don't want art to-day, only rag-time and legs and all that. Our people are being cruelly hit by it and that's a fact. Why, who do you think I ran into at Harris' this morning?

Usually he landed a buyer at the first shot. Of course you had to use tact and discrimination. Some you took to supper and to the naughty revues. Occasionally you found a highbrow one who preferred the opera. Had he not sat through Parsifal the week before? And nearly died! Some wanted to begin at Tod Sloan's bar and work their way up through Montmartre, ending with breakfast at the Pré Catalan.

He had been on the staff of an English paper in Paris, but had been dismissed for drunkenness; he still however did odd jobs for it, describing sales at the Hotel Drouot or the revues at music-halls. The life of Paris had got into his bones, and he would not change it, notwithstanding its squalor, drudgery, and hardship, for any other in the world.

I shall be very glad to have you suppress the scene, which, I understand, is intended to caricature me." The Manager, a prosperous brewer, who had become proprietor of a theatre for the pleasure of producing revues, which if not witty were certainly vulgar, shrugged his heavy shoulders. "You expect me to lose money! That act is one of the best we have got." "And you, sir?"

"The trouble is she's in the chorus of one of the revues over there, and Father is apt to kick. So I thought oh, well, it's no good worrying now. Come along where it's quiet, and I'll tell you all about her." "That'll be jolly," said Archie. Archie reclaimed the family jewellery from its temporary home next morning; and, having done so, sauntered back to the Cosmopolis.

There was Grand Opera, of course, but from its associations with his father he knew that that would bring him only acute misery. Gladly would he have gone to the hospitals, but they would be shut against him at this hour. He bought an evening paper, and under a shaded lamp studied the amusement columns. Some of the Revues he knew to be simply tiresome, others disgusting.

Here is what the celebrated academician Camille Doucet writes in reply to the editor of the REVUE DES REVUES, where several letters on war were published together: "Dear Sir: When you ask the least warlike of academicians whether he is a partisan of war, his answer is known beforehand. "Alas! sir, you yourself speak of the pacific ideal inspiring your generous compatriots as a dream.

This school buys its pipes always at one particular shop; its pupils would as soon think of smoking a pipe without the white spot as of smoking brown paper. So far are they from smoking brown paper that each one of them has his tobacco specially blended according to the colour of his hair, his taste in revues, and the locality in which he lives. The first blend is naturally not the ideal one.

He wrote right back that he'd give her a place." "Really?" "Yes; he's looking for pretty girls with good figures. His name is Bergman." Jim broke in eagerly. "You've heard of Bergman's Revues, pa. We saw one last summer, remember? Bergman's a big fellow." "THAT show? Why, that was rotten. It isn't a very decent life, either." "Don't worry about Sis," advised Jim.

He was back in Town again by 7.30, at the Theatre Library, where he bought a single ticket for twelve musical plays and revues selecting them from the class of entertainment Barraclough himself would have been likely to attend. It was a restless evening, dashing from one place to another and sorting over the audiences in the narrow margin of time allowed by intervals.

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