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She remembered his face but not his name. She remembered him as one of the "river characters" regarded as outcast by the Christian respectability of Sutherland. But she who could not but be polite to everybody smiled pleasantly, though she did not like his expression as he looked at her. "No, I'm alone," said she.

Otter with her respectability, Ruth Chalice with her affectations, Lawson and Clutton with their quarrels; he felt a revulsion from them all. He wrote to Lawson and asked him to send over all his belongings. A week later they arrived. When he unpacked his canvases he found himself able to examine his work without emotion. He noticed the fact with interest.

"Why?" cried Goneril, quite excited; "were they singers too?" "Madame Petrucci; nevertheless a lady of the highest respectability. Miss Prunty was Madame Lilli's secretary." "How nice!" cried the young girl, "how interesting! Oh, auntie, I'm so glad you found them out." "So am I, child; but please remember it is not an ordinary pension.

During my stay at Salamanca, I took measures that the word of God might become generally known in this celebrated city. The principal bookseller of the town, Blanco, a man of great wealth and respectability, consented to become my agent here, and I in consequence deposited in his shop a certain number of New Testaments.

Now and then he rose from study with a troublesome dizziness, and of a morning his head generally ached a little; but these were trifles. Prisch zu! as a German friend of his at Geneva used to say. Even on the morning of the great day he worked; it was to prove his will-power, his worthiness. After lunch, clad in the garb of respectability, he went up by a quick train.

Hitherto carefully coated in an appearance of respectability fitted to a station of wealth, influence and prominence, he now stood as he truly was, domineering, repellant, lawless. Janet could at that minute measure the close kinship of father and son. "Fortunately a man in Bowenville recognized Ed, or I should never have known he had been injured," Sorenson went on.

To all outward appearances, she dwelt in the odor of eminent respectability and sedate gaiety. "Drive slowly through Rock Creek Park until I tell you to return," she ordered the man when they had passed beyond the station; then withdrew into a corner of the taxi, and busied herself with her thoughts. It was almost two hours later that she gave him the Collingwood as a destination.

I was in good time at Mr Tomkins', who received me with great kindness. He was well pleased with his new situation, which was one of respectability and consequence, independently of profit; and I met at his table one or two people who, to my knowledge, would have considered it degrading to have visited him when only head clerk to Mr Drummond.

Gentleman Bill, full of confidence in his powers of persuasion, advances, to add the weight of his respectability to his parent's remonstrance. "Good morning, Mr. Frisbie," politely lifting his hat. "Hey?" says Frisbie, sarcastic. "Look at his insolence, Stephen!" "I sincerely trust, Sir," begins Bill, "that you will reconsider your determination, Sir"

Had you been asked to guess his calling and station, you might have said, minutely observing the freshness of his clothes and the undeniable respectability of his tout ensemble, "He must be well off, and with no care for customers on his mind, a ci-devant chandler who has retired on a legacy."