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At last it stopped at the door of the lunatic asylum, and the post-boy dismounting from his reeking horses, pulled violently at a large bell, which answered with a most lugubrious tolling, and struck awe into the breast of Mrs Forster. When the door was opened, Mr Ramsden's servant alighted, and went in to deliver his letter to the doctor.

I'll just chip in, and take you as you are. We'll have some high old times! Your niece, Cornelia." Letter and eye-glasses fell together upon Mrs Ramsden's knee. She raised startled eyes, and blinked dumbly at her friend. Miss Briskett wagged her head from side to side, and heaved a sepulchral sigh. The halcyon days of peace were over!

The houses already referred to as successive scenes of Christmas and New Year visits were Hewel Grange, Lord Plymouth's, near Bromsgrove, and Byram, Sir John Ramsden's, about twenty miles from York. Hewel Grange, which has taken the place of an old house, now abandoned, is itself entirely modern.

Mr Ramsden's servant shall come with me to conduct you to the asylum, and I trust in a quarter of an hour to see you clear of these foolish people of Overton, who think that you are the party in fault: you had better remain in your room, and not appear again at the window; the crowd will disperse when they are tired of watching: good-bye, my dear Mrs Forster, good-bye."

It seems awful to lose it on cards in one evening!" "The next sixty pounds I win, I'll give to a workmen's charity! Will that wipe away my offence?" Elma was not at all sure that it would. Money won in unworthy fashion could never bring with it a blessing, according to Mrs Ramsden's theories. She shook her head sadly, and ventured another question. "You go to races, too, don't you?"

At the first shock of hearing of the accident, Mrs Ramsden's motherly anxiety swamped all other feeling. She forgot to disapprove of a woman who at sixty still wore a pad on her uncapped head, and lacy frills on her petticoat, in gratitude to the hostess who had extended hospitality to her ewe lamb.

And, as he did so, a voice behind him cried: "Bing!" Ramsden's driver wabbled at the last moment. The ball flopped weakly among the trees on the right of the course. Ramsden turned to perceive, standing close beside him, a small fat boy in a sailor suit. There was a pause. "Rotten!" said the boy austerely. Ramsden gulped. And then suddenly he saw that the boy was not alone.

It was not fruitless; Larkins did avoid mischief when it was not extremely inviting, was more amenable to May senior, and having been put in mind by him of his home, was not ashamed to bring the thought to the aid of his eyes, when, on Sunday, during a long sermon of Mr. Ramsden's, he knew that Axworthy was making the grimace which irresistibly incited him to make a still finer one.

"Who by repentance is not satisfied, Is not of heaven or earth; for these are pleased: By penitence the Eternal's wrath's appeased." Mr Ramsden's servant returned to Overton, stating that the doctor was not at home, but that he had left Mrs Forster and the letter.

Ramsden's, mathematical instrument maker, in Piccadilly, I should receive all he had ordered to be ready for me. At Mr. Ramsden's I found ready to be packed up for me two small globes, siphons, prisms, an air-gun and an air-pump, a speaking trumpet, a small apparatus for showing the gases, and an apparatus for freezing water. Mr. Ramsden informed me that these were not all the things Mr.