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If it were not for Stoneborough, it would be all very well; but, if I should get on ever so well at the examinations, it all ends there! I must come back, and go racing about this miserable circuit, just like your gold pheasant rampaging in his cage, seeing the same stupid people all my days."

"I'll have the law out of you, whoever you are." "But but Mamma is so very ill!" cried Hal, bursting into tears. "The more shame for you to be rampaging about the country this fashion," said the farmer, giving him a shake that seemed to make all his bones rattle in his skin. "Serve you right if I flogged you within an inch of your life."

Halfpenny would relax her mood, and lay herself out to be agreeable, when she had exhausted her forebodings about her leddyship making herself ill for a week gaun rampaging about with all the bairns, as if she was no better than one herself. 'I shall let Miss Mohun do most of the rampaging, nurse; but, if it is fine, will you take Miss Primrose into the town and let her choose her own cards.

I felt it more because you're the only kind of woman that could ever get a real hold on me. It was you made me get the boys rampaging and set the toughs moving. As you say, I can get hold of a crowd. It's not hard with money and drink. You can buy human nature cheap. Every man has his price they say and every woman too bien sur! The thing is to find out what is the price, and then how to buy.

Once some men, capable of anything, held the door from the outside, and the congregation heard Tibbie rampaging in the passage. Bursting into the kirk she called the office-bearers to her assistance, whereupon the minister in miniature raised his voice and demanded the why and wherefore of the ungodly disturbance. Great was the hubbub, but the door was fast, and a compromise had to be arrived at.

The Great American Pumess shot forth a little paw such a soft, shapely, hesitant, dainty, appealing little paw and laid it on Hal's hand. "Please," she said. "But, Esmé," he began. It was the first time he had used that intimacy with her. Her eyes dropped. "We're partners, aren't we?" she said. "Of course." "Then you won't let them print it!" "If Miss Pierce goes rampaging around the streets "

"Thank you, lad!" he continued, returning the empty gourd to Uncas; "now we will see how these rampaging Hurons lived, when outlying in ambushments. Look at this! The varlets know the better pieces of the deer; and one would think they might carve and roast a saddle, equal to the best cook in the land! But everything is raw, for the Iroquois are thorough savages.

Once some men, capable of anything, held the door from the outside, and the congregation heard Tibbie rampaging in the passage. Bursting into the kirk she called the office-bearers to her assistance, whereupon the minister in miniature raised his voice and demanded the why and wherefore of the ungodly disturbance. Great was the hubbub, but the door was fast, and a compromise had to be arrived at.

'Oh, nursie, can't you? entreated Gillian. 'Me, Miss Gillian! How can I, when Miss Primrose is going out with the whole clamjamfrie, and all the laddies, into the wet plantations? Na one of ye maun keep the lassie company. Ye've had your turn, Miss Gillian, so it should be Miss Mysie. It winna hurt ye, bairn, ye that hae been rampaging ower the house all the morning.

"No; we'll go in there and chuck her down that hole where she kept her whisky, and fasten the hasp in the staple." "Good idee, if the hole will hold her." "It's got to hold her. We can't have her rampaging round during the fight. I'd rather have a whole company o' rebels on my back."