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"If ye didna' mean to go, why did ye give young Prockter to understand as ye would go? I'll tell ye why ye changed your mind, lass. It's because you're ashamed o' being seen there with yer old uncle, and I'm sorry for it." "Uncle!" she protested. "How can you say such a thing? You ought to know that no such idea ever entered my head."

Luke's Market is the largest roof in Bursley. And old inhabitants, incapable of recovering from the surprise of marketing under cover instead of in an open square, still, after thirty years, refer to it as the covered market. Mrs. Prockter smiled. "By the way," said James, "where's them childer?" The old people looked around.

Having fluttered round him, in her ample way, and charmingly flattered him, Mrs. Prockter left him, encircled chiefly by young women, in order to convey to later arrivals that they, and they alone, were the authentic objects of her solicitude.

The chit's as fixed on that there Emanuel Prockter as ever a chit could be!" And yet James had caught the winking with Jos Swetnam during the song! As an enigma, Helen grew darker and darker to him. He was almost ready to forswear his former belief, and to assert positively that Helen had no sense whatever. Mrs. Prockter loomed up, disengaged. "Ah, Mr.

They betrayed no emotion at its smallness or its plainness, or its eccentricities. He would somehow have expected them to signify, overtly or covertly, that that kind of room was not the kind of room to which they were accustomed. "Anyhow, I'm glad to see ye, Mrs. Prockter," James returned. A speech which did not in the least startle Mrs.

"Missis," said he, "if you don't mind what ye're about, you'll have a daughter-in-law afore you can say 'knife'!" "Not Helen?" "Ay, Helen." "But, Mr. Ollerenshaw " Here happened an interruption a servant with a tray of sustenance, comprising more champagne. James, prudent, would have refused, but under the hospitable urgency of Mrs. Prockter he compromised and yielded. "I'll join ye."

"I don't wear caps," said Helen. "I'm not a servant." "Hat, then," James corrected himself. "Ye'll not deny as you wear hats, I reckon. I've seen ye in forty." "I know who started that tale," Helen exploded. "Andrew Dean started that tale." "No," said James. "It was Mrs. Prockter, I'm thinking." "Has Mrs. Prockter spoken to you about me and and Emanuel?" James hesitated.

I didna' ask him." "I see you understand," said Mrs. Prockter. "Mr. Ollerenshaw, my stepson is courting your niece." "Great-stepniece," James corrected; and added: "Is he now? To tell ye th' truth I didn't know till th' other day as they were acquainted." "They haven't been acquainted long," Mrs. Prockter informed him. "You may have heard that Emanuel is thinking of going into partnership with Mr.

I've been through these crises with him before, but never one quite so bad." She laughed. They all laughed. "I'll let him lie there on one condition," Helen sweetly replied. "And that is that you stay to dinner. I am relying on you. And I won't take a refusal." Mrs. Prockter looked sharply at James, and James blushed. "James," she exclaimed, "you've told her.

I did not thank you half enough for the exceedingly kind way in which you received my really unpardonable visit the other evening," etc. James had once heard Emanuel Prockter sing, at a concert given in aid of something which deserved every discouragement, and he agreed with Mrs. Prockter; not that he pretended to know anything about singing.