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Walter Poole. The name brought a tightening about his heart, and when Father Oliver stumbled to his feet he had walked many miles, and was tired he began to think he must tell Nora of the miracle that had happened about a mile he thought it was just a mile beyond Patsy Regan's public-house. The miracle would impress her, and he looked round the room.

Instead, you are to get him into jail at once." "How?" "The simplest and most direct way possible. You have that Poole tribe under your thumb, have you not?" "Bootlegging, chicken-stealing, sneak-thieving, arson, and perjury. And they are ripe for any deviltry, without compulsion. All I need to do is to show them a piece of money and give instructions."

I don't like his looks at all. Pray don't be at home." "I must," said Poole, turning a shade paler, if that were possible. "Stop don't let that girl go to the door; and you leave me." He snatched his hat and gloves, and putting aside the parlour-maid, who had emerged from the shades below in order to answer the "ring," walked hastily down the small garden.

It was then he caught sight of a letter her letter. The envelope and foreign stamp told him that before he read the address her writing! His hand trembled and his cheek paled, for she was telling him the very things he had longed to know. She was in love with Poole! she was not only in love with him she was his mistress!

I suppose we must always be deceived. Mr. Poole says self-deception is the very law of life. We live enveloped in self-deception as in a film; now and again the film breaks like a cloud and the light shines through. We veil our eyes, for we do not like the light. It is really very difficult to tell the truth, Father Gogarty; I find it difficult now to tell you why I wrote all these letters.

Long in bed, and then rose and went along with Sir W. Pen on foot to Stepny to Mrs. Poole and her boy, and there dined and' were very merry, and home again by coach and so to the office. In the afternoon and at night to Sir W. Pen's, there supped and played at cards with them and were merry, the children being to go all away to school again to-morrow. Thence home and to bed. 8th.

Poole stated, that on approaching the range he arrived at a line of gumtrees, under which there was a long deep sheet of water; that crossing at the head of this, he entered a rocky glen, where there were successive pools in stony basins, in which he considered there was an inexhaustible supply of water for us; but that although the water near the camp had dried up, he had been unwilling to move until my return.

Richard Poole who was moving about the country, and the stories told me of the results attending his services had aroused in me memories of the years gone by, when I thought little and cared less about the acceptability of my own performances, so long as I could drag the people from the jaws of Hell. "I resolved to go and hear him.

Well, when I came down here to meet Poole, as I had promised his governor keeps hounds, you know; a capital pack, too I was as dull as ditch-water; I was, I assure you; and whenever there was nothing going on, I used to take out the verses you wrote, and the music you copied for me, to look at; and one day, who should come in but Elliott, who was staying with his governor on the West Cliff, where the old gentleman has taken a house.

I told him how Elzevir was gone this very night to Poole to settle with the Bonaventure, when she should come to take us off; and at that Ratsey seemed pleased. There were many things I wished to learn of him, and especially how Grace did, but felt a shyness, and durst not ask him. And he said no more for a minute, seeming low-hearted and crouching over the fire.