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Fortunately, while Hugo despised the "hoi polloi" as only a stupid, miseducated snob can despise, he appreciated that they had votes and so must be conciliated; and he yearned with the snob's famished yearning for the title and dignity of judge.

Had he been a European of the same origin and habits, awkwardness would have betrayed him fifty times, before the dessert made its appearance; but, being the man he was, one who overlooked a certain prurient politeness that rather illustrated his deportment, might very well have permitted him to pass among the oi polloi of the world, were it not for a peculiar management in the way of providing for himself.

"Oh, I know Greek!" he was too eagerly the gentleman "ho cosmos tes adikias the last thing I learnt for ordination this world of injustice that's right, isn't it?" He laughed sickly. "I say as one 'Varsity man to another we're not hoi polloi could you lend me some money?" We had to press on thirty miles up a 'light railway' to a power-station, a settlement by a waterfall in the wild.

Not only are they deeply interesting to the hoi polloi, but invaluable from a therapeutical standpoint, being successfully employed in cases of itch, smallpox, etc. as a counter irritant. I opine that one of these read in a loud voice to an Egyptian mummy would result in its immediate resurrection.

It depends, as I said, upon the remarkable coincidence of your likeness to Mrs. De Peyster." "Yes?" Mrs. De Peyster managed to say. "You've read of her, of course; stiffest swell of the lot," went on the young gentleman rapidly, in clipped phrases oddly unlike the sonorous sentences of the Reverend Mr. Pyecroft. "Looks down on most of the Four Hundred as hoi polloi.

As the oi polloi of our party were eating out of ear-shot, and the Indians had left us, it naturally induced a conversation that turned on the risks we ran, and on the probability of Susquesus's being false.

I'm the last man at the Dam" so the oi polloi called the valley "to say anything hard of either the captain or his son; but one is English born, and the other is English bred; and each will make a difference in a man's feelin's."

It was a woman and Eros taught Schliemann Greek, and this was so letters could be written dictated by Eros, who they do say is an awful dictator that would not be easily construed by Hoosier "hoi polloi." Together the woman and Schliemann studied the history of Hellas.

His eyes are also adapted to looking upward, discerning dimly dangers from above, and whatever else catches the attention of a bottom-loving pollywog. His mouth is well below, as best suits bottom mumbling. Compared with these polloi pollywogs, Redfins were as hummingbirds to quail.

Royal and noble blood permeated with the odor of sanctity; virtuous statesmanship, or proud political position attained through the rigid observance of the ethical rules of personal purity, are nothing to the rank and file, the polloi, who can never hope to reach those elevations in this world; as well expatiate upon the virtues of Croesus to a man who will never go beyond his day's wages, or expect the homeless to become ecstatic over the magnificence of Nabuchodonosor's Babylonian palace.