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He was concerned in the water fight that so nearly ended disastrously for Bud and his cousins. "Oh, I get out!" said Del Pinzo, easily, and with a shrug of his shoulders which might mean that coming forth from a jail was nothing in his life. "So I see," observed Snake with a grin. "By hook or crook, I reckon. Well, I don't know as we have anything against you and your bunch just at present.

"I'm going to call on Dad for some reinforcements." "Oh, we can handle that Del Pinzo gang!" boasted Yellin' Kid. "We could if they'd fight fair and even, maybe," assented Bud. "But they'll be on the lookout for trouble, now, and they'll have a big gang of Greasers with them.

The night passed without incident, though none of the boy ranchers turned in early. They were too excited, and they wanted to talk over what had happened. The existence of the old crater was not generally known, but Del Pinzo and his rustlers appeared to have the secret of it.

The boy rancher pointed to a figure standing near a stunted bush. There was no doubt about it Del Pinzo it was, and at his usual business, firing on some one, for he had a rifle raised, in the act of taking aim. "I'll spoil one shot for him, anyhow," announced Snake.

"We're got two things to do," said the boy rancher. "One is to get our cattle back, and the other is to nab the rustlers. But it's more important to get the cattle, I think. "If we don't do that our ranch experiment will be a failure," he went on. "But, of course, for the sake of other ranchers, it would be a mighty good thing if we could put Del Pinzo and his rustler crowd out of business."

It isn't the Yaquis at all! It's Del Pinzo!" Time was when the mention of Del Pinzo's name would have brought forth a yell of anger from the cowboys of Diamond X ranch. He was an enemy at once to be feared and loathed, for he did not fight fair, and he was of the detested, half-breed Mexican type.

"Are there always rustlers to worry about on a ranch?" asked Nort. "More or less," answered his cousin. "Especially when you have a place so near Double Z. I don't accuse Hank Fisher of being a rustler, exactly," he went on, "though I think Del Pinzo is. That's been proved, but it didn't do much good, for he broke jail and they can't seem to land him."

For though Del Pinzo and his crowd knew the ranchmen were in the neighborhood they would, as Snake believed, await the return of the spy they had sent out, before doing anything. "An' that spy won't come t' his senses very soon," declared the avenging cowboy. "When he does he'll have an awful headache!" As quietly as possible they made their way to the opening.

"Sure, senor Purdee!" Del Pinzo spoke fairly good English, and he could be polite when it suited him. "We saw that some one was encamped in the rocks, and I took them for the Yaquis. So we opened fire it is with sadness that I know now it was your friends whom I shot at." "Um! Maybe so maybe not," grimly retorted the cowboy. "Anyhow it's us, and it seems to be you.

Hank Fisher was the owner of Double Z ranch, adjoining that of Square M, one of Mr. Merkel's, and also adjoining Happy Valley. Pocut Pete was believed to be a tool of these two unscrupulous men, and Del Pinzo had at his command Several Greasers who slipped back and forth over the Mexican border, not far from which were located the holdings of Mr. Merkel and the boy ranchers.