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"Here they are!" shouted Bud, as soon as he had joined Dick, and had seen what the latter had fairly stumbled upon. "Here's the Del Pinzo crowd!" Up came riding Nort, Slim, Snake and the others. "Oh, boy! We've got 'em just where we want 'em," was the exclamation of Yellin' Kid. And I leave you to judge in what tone he uttered the words.

Del Pinzo and that Hank Fisher bunch are bad enough, but I don't believe they had a hand in this." "I wouldn't put it past them!" stated Yellin' Kid in his usual, loud tones. "Th' skunks!" "But dad said he didn't recognize the fellow he surprised at his safe," spoke Bud. "Of course he didn't have much chance. But if it had been Del Pinzo " "Don't worry!" broke in Snake Purdee.

"How?" asked Snake, for he was rather "sore" because Del Pinzo and the rustlers had escaped. Perhaps Snake felt that he might have gone in and captured the outlaws single-handed when he was on the lone spying expedition. "Well, I might never have had any cattle for those fellows to steal," went on Bud. "But say, boys," he went on, as they came to a place where the trail seemed to divide.

And while, ordinarily, one cowboy is a match for half a dozen of the ornery Mexicans, you've got to be on the watch for treachery. There's no use tackling this thing unless we have a big enough crowd to meet the biggest bunch Del Pinzo can muster." "Well, there's some sense in that," admitted Snake.

"Dick thought he saw one of the Del Pinzo gang," answered Bud. "Maybe he's the fellow I cracked on the head," suggested Snake. For they had lost sight of that individual in the mad rush into the canyon, and had not seen him when they turned back. "Say, wouldn't it be a good thing to capture him?" asked Bud eagerly. "We could make him tell where the others are, and where our cattle are hidden."

"What are they?" asked Dick, who, like his brother, was always eager to learn from a true son of the West, such as was the foreman of Diamond X. "Well," Slim resumed, "they've either been driven down some side passage, or gorge, such like as we found Del Pinzo in, or they were back-tracked to th' open an' driven off there th' same night they was run off." "That might be," admitted Bud.

"What is it?" shouted Bud. "Look!" answered Dick, pointing. "Del Pinzo and big gang!" Two deep-throated shouts echoed amid the winding mazes of the small canyon leading off from the main gulch that the boy ranchers and their friends had been following. One shout followed closely on that of Dick, announcing his amazing discovery.

"There's got to be some risks," declared Bud. "I'm not looking to get out of 'em. But don't you think it would be a good thing if we could get rid of this Del Pinzo gang for good?" "Sure, Bud. I'll give you all the help I can, and I'll spare you one or two more men if you need 'em for a time, that is, as we're pretty busy here." "All right.

"No," answered Snake slowly, "but it strikes me this is a good place to get rid of the saddles and truck we took offen Del Pinzo. No use carting the duffle along. It's no good to us and it only tires our pack mules. Heave it down this gully, boys and we'll ride lighter." This was soon done, and the baggage animals, at least, went forward with easier burdens.

These were only a few of the excited shouts of the boy ranchers themselves, while the cowboys of Diamond X riding into the fray with new hearts, sent up their shrill, yipping yells. It was all over then but the shouting, so to speak. The Greasers were fairly trapped Del Pinzo and all his gang. In vain they attempted to ride around and escape by the main entrance.