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Updated: August 20, 2024

Her being so employed was, I must say, a great relief to me, for Richard told us that he had washed his hands in a pie-dish and that they had found the kettle on his dressing-table, and he made Ada laugh so that they made me laugh in the most ridiculous manner. Soon after seven o'clock we went down to dinner, carefully, by Mrs.

'Lord, aunt! I said, 'you give me quite a turn, battering on the floor that way. What do you want? What is it? 'What have you broken, you wicked, heartless girl? Out with it, quick! 'Broken? I says. 'Well, I hope you won't mind much, aunt, but I have had a misfortune with the little cracked pie-dish that the potatopie was baked in; but I can easy get you another down at Wilkins.

"Mealy" apples make a bad charlotte. If they must be used, a tablespoon or more, according to size, of water must be poured over the charlotte. Peel, core, and slice apples. Grease a pie-dish. Put in a thin layer of crumbs. On this dot a few small pieces nutter. Over this put a generous layer of chopped apple. Sprinkle with sugar and grated lemon rind. Repeat the process until the dish is full.

You don't know how glad I was when I put my hands upon that warm pie-dish and knew what it was; and when did I ever care in New York about Emile's doings?" "Except the almond gauffres," said Hugh smiling. "I never thought to be so glad of a chicken-pie," said Fleda, shaking her head.

These she put in a jug of water and planted boldly upon the dinner-table as Mrs. Tregenza brought out a pie. "Butivul, sure 'nough," said Mr. Chirgwin, drawing in his chair. His eye was on the pie-dish, but Joan thought he referred to her bouquet. "Lard! what'll 'e do next? Take they things off the table to wance, Joan." "But Uncle Thomas sez they'm butivul," she pleaded.

A sanitary commissioner would have condemned it, but en voyage comme en voyage. With some difficulty and delay I procured water enough to fill the pie-dish that did duty for the washing apparatus.

Serve garnished with the mushrooms. English Pigeon Pie. Clean and season some young pigeons. Stuff each with chopped oysters and bits of butter and let stew until tender with 1 onion, 2 sprigs of parsley and 1 bay-leaf. Then line a deep pie-dish with a rich paste; let bake and fill with the stuffed pigeons. Add the sauce; cover with the paste and let bake until brown. Serve hot.

The water for bathing is stored in utensils, varying in type according to the part of India in which you may happen to be. Sometimes it is kept in tall black earthenware pots, suggestive of those in which the Forty Thieves of the Arabian Nights concealed themselves. Sometimes it is found in a gigantic sort of round pie-dish, such as a giant might use for his supper.

But this I must tell you, my Wry-Face, unless you take me home immediately to the potato-wife, here, in this pie-dish, I intend to remain." "Alas," cried Wry-Face, "to-night I am so tired I could never find One-Eye; but if you will but wait till to-morrow, I will carry you home to the potato-wife I will indeed!"

Fulbert never found out her mistake; for Lord Somerville reported that he had never been so pitched into in his life as by an old girl in a 'stunning tile, who found him washing out an empty pie-dish for the benefit of some maritime monsters that he wanted to carry home to his sisters; but that when Lance came up, she was as meek as a mouse.

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