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Add some chopped capers and mushrooms; cook until tender. Then thicken the sauce with flour mixed with a glass of wine and boil up. Serve hot with baked turnips. Swedish Pie. Make a rich pie-dough; line a deep pie-dish with the paste and let bake. Then fill with chopped boiled fish, oysters, shrimps and some chopped mushrooms. Sprinkle with salt and paprica and the grated peel of a lemon.

In the room on the second floor, where the baby no longer lived, a haddock on the table was endeavouring to be fresh; round it were slices of bread on plates, a piece of butter in a pie-dish, a teapot, brown sugar in a basin, and, side by side a little jug of cold blue milk and a half-empty bottle of red vinegar.

Bubb was seriously perturbed; with huffings and cuffings a most unusual thing she had just despatched her children to school, and was now in conflict with Moggie about a broken pie-dish, which the guilty general had concealed in the back-yard. A prudent man in the face of such tempers, Gammon sat down without speaking, and fell to on the viands which Mrs. Bubb also silent set before him.

Butter a pie-dish, preferably a fireproof china dish. Open a tin of tomatoes and remove as much skin as you can if they are the unpeeled kind. Put a handful of crumbled brown bread in the dish with lumps of butter, then pour on that some tomatoes, dust with pepper and salt, then more bread, and so on, finishing at the last with lumps of butter, and a thick sprinkling of grated cheese.

Cut all the fat from the goose into small pieces and cook in a skillet with 1 cup of cold water. Let cook uncovered until the water has evaporated; then fry until brown. Sprinkle with salt and serve hot. French Venison Pie. Cut venison in very small pieces and stew, highly seasoned, until tender. Line a deep pie-dish with a rich pie-paste and bake. Then fill with the venison.

Line a large pie-dish with the paste and bake. Take 3 ounces of almonds and pound to a paste; add 3 tablespoonfuls of pulverized sugar, 2 tablespoonfuls of melted butter, 1/2 teaspoonful of cinnamon and the yolks of 2 eggs well beaten with 1 tablespoonful of rum. Add the beaten whites; fill the pie and bake in a moderate oven. Then make a glacé.

Peel and core the apples, cut into quarters, stew, and put in a pie-dish. Sprinkle with sugar to taste, and the grated yellow part of a fresh lemon rind. Mix in the soaked tapioca and water. Bake about 1 hour. Serve cold, with or without boiled custard. 2 eggs, 1 teacup flour, milk. Well whisk the eggs. Sprinkle in the flour a spoonful at a time. Stir gently.

Lamb mister! but who was really such a cock-o'-my-thumb as might have been served up in a tureen, or baked in a pie-dish, without in the slightest degree abridging his personal dimensions. I have known him quite hidden behind a china jar, and as completely buried, whilst standing on tip-toe, in a crate, as the dessert-service which he was engaged in unpacking.

Backhouse took the eggs and put them safely away in a pie-dish, while Becky secretly pulled Milly by the sleeve, and smiled up at her as much as to say, "Thank you for helping Tiza out of her scrape." "And you'll let Becky and Tiza come to tea?" asked Milly again. "Well, I'm sure, Miss, I don't know," said Mrs.

Take from two and a half to three pounds of the thick ends of a loin of pork, with very little fat on it; cut into very thin slices three inches long by two inches wide; put a layer at the bottom of a pie-dish. Wash and chop finely a handful of parsley, also an onion. Sprinkle a small portion of these over the pork, and a little pepper and salt.