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When Boniface VIII. sent a messenger to invite Giotto to Rome, the messenger asked Giotto to show him something of the art which had made him so famous. Giotto, with a pencil, by a single motion drew so perfect a circle that it was thought to be a miracle, and this gave rise to a proverb still much used in Italy: Piu tondo che l'O di Giotto, or, "Rounder than the O of Giotto."

See lib. ii. cap. 34: 'Nel nostro scrivere non intendiamo far giudizio delle cose incerte, e massimamente della intenzione e animo segreto degli uomini, che non apparisce chiara se non per congettura e riscontro delle cose esteriori. E però stando termo il primo proposito, vogliamo raccontare quanto più possibile ci sia, la verit

But I fastened my eyes upon the ground, and holding Benny tightly by the hand, went on into the house. It is impossible to love and to be wise. Bacon. Niente piu tosto se secca che lagrime. "This is what we must do about it," said Kilian, as we sat around the breakfast-table.

The beauty of the arch consists first in its curve, commonly a part of the circle, of the perfection of which I have spoken. But the mind derives another distinct pleasure from the admirable manner in which the several parts, each different from all the others, contribute to a single harmonious effect. It is a typical example of the piu nel uno.

The knight had no alternative but to comply, and swore, on the honour of knighthood, to keep the convention inviolate. How well he kept his oath we shall have no opportunity of narrating: Di lui la nostra istoria piu non parla. Carry me over the water, thou fine fellowe. Old Ballad. The pilgrims, without experiencing further molestation, arrived at the retreat of Sir Guy of Gamwell.

The selection of music comprises Beethoven's overture to "Egmont;" an air from the "Elijah," first time in America, sung by Jenny Lind; "Non piu andrai," from Mozart's "Nozze di Figaro," by Signor Belletti; piano solo, Mendelssohn's "Songs without Words," by Signor Benedict; and, for the first time in America also, "Und ob die Wolke," from "Der Freischutz," by Jenny Lind. This was the first part.

'No, she said, 'you are wrong. Then a sort of tension came over her, she raised her face like the pythoness inspired with oracles, and went on, in rhapsodic manner: 'Il Sandro mi scrive che ha accolto il piu grande entusiasmo, tutti i giovani, e fanciulle e ragazzi, sono tutti She went on in Italian, as if, in thinking of the Italians she thought in their language.

"Splendid!" interrupted the Signora. "But singolare." "So much the better; did not that great English Lady wear such a jacket, and did not every one admire her, piu tosto invidia the compassione?" Isaura sighed. Now the jacket of the Signora was a subject of disquietude to her friend.

Let your own good sense and reason judge of the value of each; and be persuaded, that NOTHING CAN BE BEAUTIFUL UNLESS TRUE: whatever brilliancy is not the result of the solidity and justness of a thought, it is but a false glare. The Italian saying upon a diamond is equally just with regard to thoughts, 'Quanto Piu sodezza, tanto piu splendore'.

Christianity, through its concepts of the Divine Fatherhood and of the Eternal Christ, has given to this sense of personal communion its fullest and most beautiful expression: "Amore, chi t'ama non sta ozioso, tanto li par dolce de te gustare, ma tutta ora vive desideroso como te possa stretto piú amare; ché tanto sta per te lo cor gioioso, chi nol sentisse, nol porría parlare quanto é dolce a gustare lo tuo sapore."