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Ho veduto prima del mio partire piu squadre di soldati andar per Londra cercando donne di allegra vita, imbarcandone 1,200 sopre tre vascelli per tragittarle all' isola, a fine di far propagazione.

What was it to me that this hazel-eyed girl was engaged to teach my little niece 'Non piu mesta'? what was it to me that my breast should be all of a sudden filled with a tumult of glad emotions, and thus shrink from any encounter with my mother's honest eyes? "'Well, Clem, the terms are almost ridiculously moderate, my mother said, presently.

It contains the following passage: 'The soul of this nation is dead. The old enthusiasms are gone. We have the most selfish, the most cynical bourgeoisie in Europe. Happy the men of 1860! They had some illusions left religion, monarchy, country. We too have men who would give themselves if they could. But to what? No one wants them any more nessuno li vuole piu! Well, there are the two.

"Since then Miss Wentworth has come three times a week; and somehow or other I have never found myself in any way bored by 'Non piu mesta, or even the major and minor scales, which, as interpreted by a juvenile performer, are not especially enthralling to the ear of the ordinary listener.

He broke away, laughing, from Gaspare, and was swiftly in the sea. The Sicilians looked at him with admiration. "E' veramente più Siciliano di noi!" exclaimed Nito. The others murmured their assent. Gaspare glowed with pride in his pupil. "I shall make the signore one of us," he said, as he deftly let out the coils of the net. "But how long is he going to stay?" asked Nito.

It was diverting to see the airs he gave himself on the strength of his new military dignity, his gun, and uniform, and night duty on the shore. I could not help humming to myself Non più andrai; for Francesco was a sort of Tuscan Cherubino. We talked about picture galleries and libraries in Florence, and I had to hear his favourite passages from the Italian poets.

Mark, snatched into ecstasy, heard the voice of an angel saying to him: 'Peace be to thee, Mark; here shall thy body rest." The angel goes on to foretell the building of "una stupenda, ne piu veduta Citta;" but the fable is hardly ingenious enough to deserve farther relation. SECTION III. But whether St. Mark was first bishop of Aquileia or not, St.

Reminded that the lad knows of his pursuit of Susanna, the Count modifies his sentence of dismissal from his service to banishment to Seville as an officer in his regiment. Figaro playfully inducts him into the new existence. The air "Non piu andrai," in which this is done, is in vigorous march rhythm.

All the old legends assume that the resemblance between the Son and the Mother must have been perfect. Dante alludes to this belief: "Riguarda ormai nella faccia ch' a Christo Piu s' assomiglia." "Now raise thy view Unto the visage most resembling Christ."

Judd was a good scholar, and the word is legitimately compounded, like ensphere and imparadise; but he did not invent it. Dante uses the word: "Perfetta vita ed alto merto inciela Donna piu su." LADIES' TRESSES. "The popular name, in the Southern States, for an herb," etc. In the Northern States also. Sometimes Ladies' Traces. LIEFER. "A colloquialism, also used in England."