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"Niente niente, Serenissima only to be near the one I love!" the girl cried fervently; and then grew suddenly quiet, in full content after this needed avowal.

What happiness to fill the house with twenty chosen friends and there to dream away a month or more of idle joy! Surely after such dolce far niente days life could hold no bitterness for which we had not, in experience, a ready antidote. Too soon, it seemed, we were forced to leave there, for we had a long, weary day of mountain climbing ahead of us.

'Niente! said I, and poured out on the table a card-case, a sketch-book, two pencils, a bottle of wine, a cup, a piece of bread, a scrap of French newspaper, an old Secolo, a needle, some thread, and a flute but no passport. They looked in the card-case and found 73 lira; that is, not quite three pounds.

Moreover, the hoped-for future conditions may not contain the necessities for either labor or self-restraint that present conditions do: they may not be the same dangers there as here in the dolce far niente, or in Platonic friendships. Men are not consistent in their attitude regarding dreams.

Such an easy way of getting money as this opportunity affords must appear vastly attractive to the swarms of professional beggars who infest every highway, church door, and public square in Southern Italy, and whose enjoyment of the indispensable dolce far niente cannot be spoiled by merely submitting to the operation of having their hair cut off.

By boat up the river, the day so bright, the view so glorious, the breeze so balmy and delicious, and the motion so gentle and pleasant, that lying on my bed I devote myself to lazy listlessness, to a perfect sense of the "dolce far niente" and can hardly prevail on myself to disturb my tranquillity by writing these few notes.

For my part, notwithstanding the portentous sound of my ancestral patronymic, I was tired of the toils of war, and really desired a "spell" of peace: during which I might indulge in the dolce far niente, and obtain for my wearied spirit a respite of repose.

'There is a good deal of the dolce far niente about this, said Montesma, presently; 'but don't you think we have been anchored in sight of that shabby little town quite long enough, and that it would be rather nice to spread our wings and sail round the island before the racing begins? 'It would be exquisite, said Lesbia.

Queen city of California! to me there is poetry in thy very name, and so would it be to all who delight in honesty, bonhommie, simplicity, and the dolce far niente. Notwithstanding the many solicitations we received; Padre Marini went to the convent, and I took up my quarters with the old governor.

Some of the more active spirits played "shuffle-boards," which kept the deck in an uproar; while others enjoyed the dolce far niente in their berths, except when the bell summoned to meals. There were weather- wise people, who smoked round the funnel all day, and prophesied foul winds every night; and pertinacious querists, who asked the captain every hour or two when we should reach Halifax.