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But somehow in the face of this smiling, cynical-looking, vivid creature, he rather shrank from saying that he had them with his wife. He swiftly reflected that, after all, he had four others with Nan, that she was so surrounded with admirers that she could not go partnerless, and that he would explain. "Delightful!" he cried, pencilling his program. Mrs. Morrell fluttered down alongside Mrs.

Thank you, I am very comfortable they are a very pleasant set." "Are there any of them here?" "Yes, three of them." L'Ete cut short his speech, and when they paused again he began, "I mean you to dance with Dashwood there that rosy tall boy standing partnerless behind the lady in a Swiss fly-away cap." "O I see," said Marian. "Yes, and don't be high and mighty with him."

And while you and the rest of your kind are battling together year after year for this special privilege of being 'bored to death, the 'real girl' that you're asking about, the marvelous girl, the girl with the big, beautiful, unspoken thoughts in her head, the girl with the big, brave, undone deeds in her heart, the girl that stories are made of, the girl whom you call 'improbable' is moping off alone in some dark, cold corner or sitting forlornly partnerless against the bleak wall of the ballroom or hiding shyly up in the dressing-room waiting to be discovered!

Nearly all the ladies were married, there were very few young girls; and it would be a great improvement to the Christchurch parties if some of the pretty and partnerless groups of a London ball-room, in all their freshness of toilette, could be transferred to them.

"I say I'm awfully sorry," he said. "'Fraid I got ahead of you unfairly, Fred perhaps you'll excuse me this time, Sarah? You don't mind? Well, you'll give me the next, won't you? Thanks, awfully." He relinquished her to the beaming Fred, and returned, partnerless, to Mr. Linton and Cecil. Then it was a marvellous sight to behold young Dave Boone! With Mrs.

No long evenings of cruel boredom, in order to be seen at smart houses, will cloud the maiden’s career, no agonized anticipation of retiring partnerless from cotillion or supper will disturb her pleasure. In the city she hails from, everybody she knows lives in about the same style.

Maria stood motionless behind the curtains, her winged imagination rushing to meet Julietta's future, fronting the indifference, the neglect, the ridicule before which Julietta's sensitive, shamed spirit would suffer and bleed. She could see her partnerless at balls, lugged heavily about to teas and dinners, shrinking eagerly and hopelessly back into the refuge of the paternal home. .

It probably arose from the chivalrous desire not to leave any girl partnerless, but in practice it works out quite the other way.

Edmonstone at the piano, and the rest figuring away, the partnerless one, called 'puss in the corner', being generally Amabel, while Charlotte, disdaining them all the time, used to try to make them imitate her dancing-master's graces, causing her father to perform such caricatures of them, as to overpower all with laughing. Mr. Edmonstone was half Irish.

Alice knew that her present performance could be effective during only this interval between dances; and though her eyes were guarded, she anxiously counted over the partnerless young men who lounged together in the doorways within her view.