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Updated: August 4, 2024

"Neither to the widow nor to anybody but you," replied Goodyer. "Don't!" said Ayscough. "Keep it to yourself till I give you the word. You didn't hear anything from Parslett as to where the money was coming from?" "Not one syllable!" answered Goodyer. "But I could see he was dead sure of having it." "Well keep quiet about it," continued Ayscough.

"Now then, next day, Purvis and I being, in our different ways, at work in the East End, we heard the news about the Praed Street tradesman, Parslett. That seemed to me remarkable proof of my theory. As the successive editions of the newspapers came out during that day, and next day, we learnt all about the Parslett affair. I saw through it at once.

When Parslett heard of what had happened in Multenius's back-parlour, he kept his knowledge to himself, and went and blackmailed the man. The man gave him that fifty pounds in gold to keep his tongue quiet no doubt arranging to give him more, later on and at the same time he cleverly poisoned him. That's my theory, Mr. Purdie." "Then the only question now is who's the man?" suggested Purdie.

It's no common affair old Daniel Multenius was attacked by somebody somebody! for some special reason and it's going to take a lot of getting at. And I'm convinced this Parslett affair is a development Parslett's been poisoned because he knew too much." "You say you don't know what particular poison was used?" asked Purdie. "It would be something of a clue to know that.

You can speak before this gentleman it's all right." "About this affair of last night Parslett, you know," said Goodyer, drawing the detective aside, and lowering his voice, so that passers-by might not hear. "There's something I can tell you I've heard all about the matter from Parslett's wife. But I've not told her what I can tell you, Mr. Ayscough." "And what's that?" enquired the detective.

I guessed what had happened then Parslett, to quieten him for the moment, had been put off with fifty pounds in gold, and promised more and he had also been skilfully poisoned in such a fashion that he would get safely away from the premises but die before he got home. And when he was safe away, Chang Li had murdered Chen Li, and made off.

Multenius's house, opening into his back-parlour. Now, the previous afternoon, he, Parslett, had had a consignment of very fine mushrooms sent in rare things at that time of year and knowing that the old man had a great taste for them and didn't mind what price he paid, he stepped across with a dish of them to tempt him. He found Mr.

Purdie," he answered. "I've no doubt that when we get to the bottom of this case it'll turn out to be a very simple one but the thing is to get to the bottom. The ways are complicated, sir uncommonly so! At present we're in a maze seeking the right path." "Do you think that this Parslett affair has anything to do with the Multenius affair?" asked Purdie. "Yes undoubtedly!" answered the detective.

Mirandolet that it was impossible to do anything to save the man's life when he was brought to the hospital, and he was quite prepared to say that the impossibility had existed from the moment in which Gardiner had seen Parslett collapse. In other words, when Parslett did collapse, death was on him. "And the cause of death?" asked the Coroner. "Heart failure," replied the witness.

"What's on?" asked Lauriston. "Inquest on that man Parslett," replied Ayscough with a meaning nod. "You'll hear some queer evidence if I'm not mistaken. I'm going there myself, presently." He turned in again, and the three young men looked at each other. "Say!" remarked Guyler, "I reckon that's good advice. Let's go to this court."

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