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Updated: August 4, 2024

No, sir! my belief is that Parslett saw some man enter and leave Multenius's shop; that he knew the man; that he went and plumped him with the affair, and that the man gave him that gold to get rid of him at the moment and contrived to poison him, too!" Purdie considered the proposition for awhile in silence.

"Now, to begin with," he said, "why do you think this affair is connected with the affair of the old pawn-broker? There must be some link." "There is a link, sir," answered Ayscough. "The man was old Daniel Multenius's next door neighbour: name of Parslett James Parslett, fruit and vegetable dealer. Smallish way of business, but well known enough in that quarter.

Purdie, from the one I spoke to this man Parslett was poisoned in some extremely clever fashion, and by some poison that's not generally known, which was administered to him probably half- an-hour before it took effect. What's that argue, sir, but that whoever gave him that poison is something of an expert? Deep game, Mr.

He was, said this fellow, next door neighbour to Mr. Daniel Multenius, in Praed Street, Chen Li's landlord: his name, if Chen Li wanted to know it, was Parslett, fruitier and green-grocer, and it was there, bold as brass, over his shop-door, for him or anybody to look at. He had a side-door to his house: that side-door was exactly opposite a side-door in Mr.

Mary's Hospital, close by here he was found to have fifty pounds in gold in his pocket. Now, according to Parslett's widow, whom I've seen this morning, Parslett was considerably hard up yesterday. Trade hasn't been very good with him of late, and she naturally knows his circumstances.

Purdie, a very deep game indeed! and now I don't think there's much need to be anxious about that young friend of yours. I'm certain, anyway, that the man who poisoned Parslett is the man who killed poor old Daniel Multenius. But we shall see." Purdie parted from Ayscough outside the hospital and walked along to Mrs. Flitwick's house in Star Street.

A whisper running round the court informed the onlookers that this was the gentleman who picked Parslett up in the street. Purdie and his two companions pricked their ears. Martin James Gardiner turf commission agent resident in Portsdown Road, Maida Vale.

Levendale's unexplained disappearance the strange death of this man Parslett the mystery of those platinum studs dropped in the pawnbroker's parlour and in Mrs. Goldmark's eating house no! the whole affair's a highly complicated one. That's my view of it." "And mine," said Ayscough. He looked at the unbelieving official, and turned away from him to glance out of the window into the street.

Parslett, being next-door neighbour to Daniel Multenius, had probably seen Chen Li whom we now believed to have been the actual thief slip away from Multenius's door, and, when the news of Daniel's death came out, had put two and two together, and, knowing where the Chinamen lived, had gone to the house in Maida Vale to blackmail them.

Mirandolet's somewhat excited answers but Purdie noticed that the people in court listened eagerly for every word. He happened to be at the hospital, said Dr. Sperling-Lawson, when the man Parslett was brought in, and he saw him die. He fully agreed with Dr.

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