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"Alas! thou art sure my poor father is a wizard now?" "Pardie!" answered the Nevile. "Hath he not said so? Hath he not spoken of wagons without horses, ships without sails? And is not all this what every dissour and jongleur tells us of in his stories of Merlin?

'They doctor themselves till they are at the point of death, and then send for a doctor. But it is not often. They are healthy enough, pardie! With regard to the ministrations of religion, they are in the position of dalesfolk in some parts of Dauphine. A cure from St.

In which shock off came hat and feather. "Pardie, the bulldog-faced one is a fighting man. Dost see, Frank? he has had his head broken." "That scar came not, my son, but by a pair of most Catholic and apostolic scissors. My gentle buzzard, that is a priest's tonsure." "Hang the dog! O, that the sailors may but see it, and put him over the quay head. I've a half mind to go and do it myself."

Know ye, my gallant gentles and fair squires, that he who can succeed in achieving, either by leal love or by bold deeds, as best befit a wooer, the grace of my young ward, shall claim from my hands a knight's fee, with as much of my best land as a bull's hide can cover; and when heaven shall grant safe passage to the Princess Anne and her noble spouse, we will hold at Smithfield a tourney in honor of Saint George and our ladies, wherein, pardie, I myself would be sorely tempted to provoke my jealous countess, and break a lance for the fame of the demoiselle whose fair face is married to a noble heart."

A punchinello jarred against him with: "Pardonnez moi, pardie!" On the perfumed air the music swelled rapturously; a waltz, warm with the national life of Vienna; the swan song of Lanner! Softly, sweetly, breathed "Die Schönbrunner;" faster whirled the moving forms. Eyes flashed more brightly; little feet seemed born for dancing; cheeks, pale at midday, were flushed with excitement!

But, pardie! it seems I reckoned without my host, and in seeking to make my fortunes too rashly, I have helped to mar them." Wherewith he related the particulars of his interview with Montagu. Nicholas Alwyn listened to him with friendly and thoughtful interest, and, when he had done, spoke thus,

She mildly, however, rejected the mule, and the two captives walked together in the midst of the troop. "Pardie!" said the lieutenant, "I see little help to Sir Geoffrey in these recruits, captain!" "Fool!" said the chief, disdainfully, "if the rebellion fail, these prisoners may save our necks.

See! see! the patient mongrel carries off the bone from the gentleman-hounds. Is that the way of the world?" "Pardie! it is a naught world, if so, and much changed from the time of our fathers, the Normans. But these Saxons are getting uppermost again, and the yard measure, I fear me, is more potent in these holiday times than the mace or the battle-axe."

'Just think of it, he said; 'they don't even dress the rye for their bread, but eat it made of husks and all. Rye-bread, bacon, potatoes, that is their fare, and water: if it were only good water one would have nothing to say bad water they drink. But they are contented, pardie. 'What do they do for a doctor? I asked. He made a curious grimace.

Placing his marks before him on the table in the little withdrawing parlour, he began counting them over, and putting aside the sum he meditated devoting to Warner's relief. "But how," he muttered, "how to get him to take the gold. I know, by myself, what a gentleman and a knight's son must feel at the proffer of alms pardie!