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Updated: July 31, 2024

The cheek of the archbishop flushed with proud pleasure; he bowed his head, and Edward, ere he could answer, went on: "Warwick is already so high that, pardie, I have no other step to give him, save my throne itself, and, God's truth, I would rather be Lord Warwick than King of England!

The cheek of the archbishop flushed with proud pleasure; he bowed his head, and Edward, ere he could answer, went on: "Warwick is already so high that, pardie, I have no other step to give him, save my throne itself, and, God's truth, I would rather be Lord Warwick than King of England!

I thought, pardie, of the lurid verses written by young men who, in real life, know no haunt more lurid than a literary public-house. It was, for me, merely a problem how I could best avoid 'sensations, 'pulsations, and 'exquisite moments' that were not purely intellectual. I would not attempt to combine both kinds, as Pater seemed to fancy a man might.

Lord Vernon is no more ill than I. It is useless to deny it I have that here which proves it written with his own hand yes, pardie, written in my presence!" and with trembling fingers he took from his pocketbook a folded slip of paper. "Indeed?" said Collins, with mild curiosity. "This is truly wonderful," and he held out his hand.

She mildly, however, rejected the mule, and the two captives walked together in the midst of the troop. "Pardie!" said the lieutenant, "I see little help to Sir Geoffrey in these recruits, captain!" "Fool!" said the chief, disdainfully, "if the rebellion fail, these prisoners may save our necks.

An interview took place between Queen Blanche and him; and "'Pardie, Count Theobald, said the queen, 'you ought not to have been against us; you ought surely to have remembered the kindness shown you by the king my son, who came to your aid, to save your land from the barons of France when they would fain have set fire to it all and laid it in ashes. The count cast a look upon the queen, who was so virtuous and so beautiful that at her great beauty he was all abashed, and answered her, 'By my faith, madame, my heart and my body and all my land is at your command, and there is nothing which to please you I would not readily do; and against you or yours, please God, I will never go. Thereupon he went his way full pensively, and often there came back to his remembrance the queen's soft glance and lovely countenance.

You see the land is a mile from us; this coast has no shoals. The captain told us to stand close in, before we hove to or called him. Pardie! Antoine, how the little witch has travelled in my watch! Here we are, within a musket's range from the heights, yet there has been no wind." "Pardon, mon lieutenant I do not like that sound of the surf; it is too near for the shore.

As there was now a considerable land-breeze, and the yawl was lightened of so much of her freight, there was little doubt of his being able to effect his purpose, so far as getting out of sight was concerned, at least, long ere the return of light. "Pardie, Etooelle!" Raoul exclaimed, after he had given the American jog the third, "you sleep like a friar who is paid for saying masses at midnight.

"Pardie," said Edward, with the haste natural to royalty, "what in common there can be between thy jargon of smoke and water and this huge ugliness of iron passeth all understanding. But spare us thy speeches, and on to thy puppet-show."

"Such was the object of my question," said I, calmly, and determining not to notice the manner he had assumed. "Parbleu!" exclaimed he, "that is very different. Twenty thousand francs, however, is a considerable sum." "I have as much, and something more, if need be, in my carriage, if English gold be no objection." "No, pardie! that it is not," cried he, laughing; "I only wish we saw more of it.

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