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Updated: August 18, 2024

A. One o' their Lieutenants came out and ordered them back to their quarters, and I deployed the company in a skirmish-line, and started 'em through the brush toward Brigade Headquarters. About three-quarters o' the way Osc Brewster and Ol Perry, when going through a thicket, heard a boy boo-hooing.

Yes, if I meet no crosses, I shall be undone in another twelve-month I let all go to wreck and ruin. "Osc. But suppose Malvina should be brought to give you encouragement. "Nico. Heaven forbid! that would spoil all. "Lubin. Truly I was almost assured within this fortnight that she was going to relax. "Nico. Ay, I shall never forget how alarmed we were at the appearance of a smile one day," &c. &c.

"So, Nico how comes it you are so late in your inquiries after your mistress? "Nico. I should have been sooner; but Lubin would stay to make himself fine though he knows that he has no chance of appearing so to Malvina. "Lubin. No, in truth Nico says right I have no more chance than himself. "Osc. However, I am glad to see you reconciled, and that you live together, as brothers should do. "Nico.

Oh, father, I would give half my flock to think that my presence would be welcome to her. "Osc. I am sure you have never seen her prefer any one else. "Col. There's the torment of it were I but once sure that she loved another better, I think I should be content at least she should not know but that I was so.

We often sit together, and play such woeful tunes on our pipes, that the very sheep are moved at it. "Osc. But why don't you rouse yourselves, and, since you can meet with no requital of your passion, return the proud maid scorn for scorn? "Nico. Oh mercy, no we find a great comfort in our sorrow don't we, Lubin? "Lubin.

To this strange medley of nomenclature is appended a memorandum "Vide Petrarch for names." The first scene represents the numerous lovers of Malvina rejoicing at her return, and celebrating it by a chorus; after which Oscar, her father, holds the following dialogue with one of them: "Osc. I thought, son, you would have been among the first and most eager to see Malvina upon her return. "Colin.

That abandoned story-teller, Geoffrey of Monmouth, goes a step further, and concocts a Caer Lud for London and a Caer Osc for Exeter, whenever the fancy seizes him.

My love is not of that jealous sort that I should pine to see her happy with another nay, I could even regard the man that would make her so. "Osc. Haven't you spoke with her since her return? "Col. Yes, and I think she is colder to me than ever.

Them doddurned fools in my company 've lost me, just as I've bin tellin' 'em right along they would, durn 'em. Osc and Ol were so tickled at finding him that they gathered him up, and come whooping back to camp, carrying him every step of the way." "Well, I declare to gracious," ejaculated Si. "But there's one left yet. Didn't anything happen to Sandy Baker?" "O, yes," groaned the Orderly.

With the recollection of Sheridan's own story fresh in our minds, we might suppose that he meant some reference to it in this incident, were it not for the exceeding niaiserie that he has thrown into the dialogue. For instance: "Osc. But we are interrupted here are two more of her lovers brothers, and rivals, but friends. "Enter NICO and LUBIN.

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