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Professor Orton tells us that the valley of Quito swarms with those winged jewels of varied hue the Trochilidae. Among them is the train-bearer, which, small as it is, has a straight tail nearly six inches in length.

But this lady declared that she had cut the lock from the head of an English lad named Arthur Orton; and the Claimant thereupon said that he must have been mistaken in thanking her, and acknowledging it as his.

Orton Beg had gone on board the steamer, and Evadne had been brought up on deck, supported by one of the ladies and her own maid. She looked at her aunt, and then she looked beyond her. "Has my mother not come to meet me?" she asked. Mrs. Orton Beg looked at her compassionately. "Is she ill?" Evadne added. "No, dear," her aunt replied. Evadne burst into tears.

Orton Beg rejoined. "This is the first I have heard of your peculiar views." "Oh, I am a kind of owl, I think, auntie," Evadne answered apologetically. "You see, I never had anything to do in the schoolroom that I could not manage when I was half asleep, and so I formed a habit of dozing over my lessons by day, and waking up when I came to bed at night.

I am sure it will." Major Colquhoun compressed his lips and looked sullenly into the fire. On the third day after Evadne's wedding, in the afternoon, Mrs. Orton Beg was sitting alone in her long, low drawing room by the window which looked out into the high-walled garden. She had found it difficult to occupy herself with books and work that day.

"Come in, auntie," she said, as if in answer to an accustomed signal; and Mrs. Orton Beg entered in a long, loose, voluminously draped white wrapper. Evadne drew an easy-chair to the fire for her. "Sit down, auntie," she said, "and be cosey. You are late to-night. I was afraid you were not coming." Mrs.

I fell in love, and liked the sensation, and gave myself up to it unreservedly. Certainly, I was a fool there is no other word for it." "But are you married, Evadne?" Mrs. Orton Beg asked in a voice rendered unnatural by the rapid beating of her heart. "Let me tell you, auntie, all about it," Evadne answered hoarsely.

"Is there nothing I can do? Mrs. Orton Beg " "She's gone abroad for the winter." "Ah, to be sure!" "And everybody else is away who would be of any use," I added, "and I therefore propose, if you have no objection, to stay here to-night myself." "You'd oblige me greatly by doing so," he answered earnestly.

Galbraith on his way back through Morningquest to his own place, Fountain Towers. "I am so glad to see you," said Mrs. Orton Beg as he took her hand. "I am on my way back from the Castle," he rejoined, sitting down beside her; "and I have just come in for a moment to see how the ankle progresses." "Quicker now, I am thankful to say," she answered.

"That your petitioners have reason to know and believe and are satisfied, both from the evidence produced at the trial and furnished since, and from their own personal knowledge that he is not Arthur Orton.