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Mineral wealth of the Banat Wild ride to Dognacska Equipment for a riding tour An afternoon nap and its consequences Copper mines Self-help Bare insects Moravicza Rare minerals Deutsch Bogsan Reschitza. The neighbourhood of Oravicza is well worth exploring, especially by those who like knocking about with a geological hammer.

I had sent a man in advance from Oravicza to take my horse back, as I intended returning by rail. This mountain railway between Oravicza and Auima-Steirdorf is a remarkable piece of engineering work. In a distance of about twenty miles it ascends 1100 feet, in some parts as much as one foot in five.

We entered the town with a feeble attempt at a trot, but the poor brutes of horses were dead beat, and neither the pressure of public opinion nor the suggestive cracking of the driver's whip could arouse them, to becoming activity. Oravicza is very prettily situated on rising ground, and the long winding street, extending more than two miles, turns with the valley.

Moldova had formerly the reputation of producing the best copper in Europe, but the mines fell out of work, I believe, in 1848. An English gentleman is working a gold mine near Oravicza with some success. Subsequent to my visit his people came upon what I think the miners call a "pocket" of free gold. Bismuth is also raised, though not in large quantities.

They confine their attention to iron and coal. There are extensive paraffine-works in Oravicza; the crude oil is distilled from the black shale of the Steirdorf coal, yielding five per cent of petroleum. At Moldova, where we were recently, the same company have large sulphuric acid works, employing as material the iron pyrites of the old mines.

Paraffine-works in Oravicza Gold mine Coal mines at Auima-Steirdorf Geology States Railway Company's mines Bribery. The old copper and silver mines of Oravicza are now abandoned, but the industrial activity of the place is kept up by the working of coal mines, which have their depôt here. The States Railway Company are the great owners of mines in this district.

The outline of the mountains was clearly marked in the distance, and in the foreground quaint gable-ends mixed themselves up with the shadows and the trees a pretty picture, prettier than anything one can see by the light of "common day." The following morning I set about making inquiries respecting the mines which I knew existed in the neighbourhood of Oravicza.

I now asked the Wallack in German if he could drive me to Oravicza, for I saw he had made up his mind to drive me somewhere. To my relief I found he could speak German, at all events a few words. He replied he could drive the "high and nobly born Excellency" there in four hours. The time was one thing, but the charge was quite another affair.

Election at Oravicza Officialism Reforms Society Ride to Szaszka Fine views Drenkova Character of the Serbs Svenica Rough night walk through the forest. We got back to Oravicza just in time to witness an election, which had been a good deal talked about as likely to result in a row.

I was not at all sorry to avoid a second night at the Krone, and gladly fell into my friend's hospitable arrangements. I was in great luck altogether, for that very evening a dance was to come off at Oravicza, and my friend invited me to accompany him. Dancing is one of the sins I compound for; moreover, I had a lively recollection of the bright eyes I had encountered yesterday.