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"A 'reasonable' time, massa, is such an oncertain time wariable, so to speak, accordin' to the mind that t'inks upon it! Hows'eber, if you's promised, ob coorse dat's an end ob it; for w'en a man promises, he's bound to stick to it." Such devotion to principle was appropriately rewarded the very next day by the arrival of the trading prau in which the professor had embarked.

And I thought more'n like as not that wuz the last I should see of him for hours and hours, the crowd wuz so immense and the search wuz so oncertain. But it wuz a good new handkerchief red and yeller, with a palm-tree pattern on it and I couldn't discourage him from huntin' for it. And jest as he turned to go back, he sez "Why, if there hain't Deacon Rogers of Loontown!"

And then agin, when you expect to be hanted by 'em, lay out to, why, they'll jest stand off somewhere else, and don't come nigh you. Don't want to. Oncertain creeters, thoughts be, and curious, curious where they come from, and how.

"A `reasonable' time, massa, is such an oncertain time wariable, so to speak, accordin' to the mind that t'inks upon it! Hows'eber, if you's promised, ob coorse dat's an end ob it; for w'en a man promises, he's bound to stick to it." Such devotion to principle was appropriately rewarded the very next day by the arrival of the trading prahu in which the professor had embarked.

And women cryin' and sobbin' i' t' streets when, Lord help us! o' Saturday came a worse time than iver! for all Friday there had been a kind o' expectation an' dismay about t' Good Fortune, as t' mariners had said was off St Abb's Head o' Thursday, when t' Resolution came in; and there was wives and maids wi' husbands an' sweethearts aboard t' Good Fortune ready to throw their eyes out on their heads wi' gazin', gazin' nor'ards over t'sea, as were all one haze o' blankness wi' t' rain; and when t' afternoon tide comed in, an' niver a line on her to be seen, folk were oncertain as t' whether she were holding off for fear o' t' tender as were out o' sight, too or what were her mak' o' goin' on.

"'Mister Ondertaker an' Chairman, says Jim Hamilton, 'I yields to an inward impulse to say that this yere play weighs on me plumb heavy. As keeper of the dance-hall I sees a heap of the corpse an' knows him well. Mister King is my friend, an' while his moods is variable an' oncertain; an' it's cl'arly worth while to wear your gun while he's hoverin' near, I loves him.

"That's oncertain," replied the artist, cautiously. "Perhaps not long, perhaps longer. I'm much obliged to you, miss, for all the bother I've made you." "Not at all," said Sybilla, politely. "I shall be happy at any time to give you any information in my power." "Thanky. Good-evening." The tall American swung off with long strides. The young lady watched him out of sight.

"But the cat has quite a tail jest the same. A Mexican that a-way is plenty oncertain. For instance: You're settin' in on a little game of monte all free an' sociable, an' one of 'em comes crowdin' 'round for trouble, an' you downs him. All good enough, says you.

And women cryin' and sobbin' i' t' streets when, Lord help us! o' Saturday came a worse time than iver! for all Friday there had been a kind o' expectation an' dismay about t' Good Fortune, as t' mariners had said was off St Abb's Head o' Thursday, when t' Resolution came in; and there was wives and maids wi' husbands an' sweethearts aboard t' Good Fortune ready to throw their eyes out on their heads wi' gazin', gazin' nor'ards over t'sea, as were all one haze o' blankness wi' t' rain; and when t' afternoon tide comed in, an' niver a line on her to be seen, folk were oncertain as t' whether she were holding off for fear o' t' tender as were out o' sight, too or what were her mak' o' goin' on.

They come right in, through the curtains, and the firelight, and everything, and sot right down by me and hanted me. And what curious creeters thoughts be, haint they? and oncertain, too. You may make all your plans to get away from 'em.