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Sir John Suckling, who had a great kindness for him, could not let him pass in his session of poets without this character, Tom Carew was next, but he had a fault, That would not well stand with a Laureat; His muse was hide-bound, and the issue of's brain Was seldom brought forth, but with trouble and pain. The works of our author are,

An' don't yer brother Willum live i' London, and ha'n't he got seven of's own to look arter? Ter think as I sh'd come ter pass ter say sich wards, an' yu a-layin' there a-dyin'! Ain't yer ashamed o' yerself, Mis' Green. I'm a-askin' of yer th' question; ain't yer ashamed o' yerself?" "No, an' ain't," said Mrs Green, feebly whispering.

"Nor yet 'e ain't made no pretences," said a third. "And," said the oldest workman, "'e's outer sight now. What the eye don't see the 'art needn't take no notice of's what I always say." And now, following the track of the hare by the little white blots of scattered paper, came the hounds.

"Of's got nowt ter say, only as Oi'll wark me pessage if you'll let me be, and dunno put me in that theer dark pit agin." "Do you know you're liable to three months imprisonment with hard labour for stowing yourself aboard my ship?" replied Captain Gillespie, paying no attention to his words apparently, and going on as if he had not spoken. "What will you do if I let you off?"

I'm for any thing that's out of the common Road of Sin; I love a Man that will be damn'd for something: to creep by slow degrees to Hell, as if he were afraid the World shou'd see which way he went, I scorn it, 'tis like a Conventicler No, give me a Man, who to be certain of's Damnation, will break a solemn Vow to a contracted Maid. Sir Tim.

I walked into the Halfway with my dream girl beside me, and both of us jumped as Dudley suddenly poked his pig-eyed face between us. "You needn't hop, you two," he commented irritably; "you can have your Old Nick, Paulette, for all me! What I'm thinking of's that boy and Baker! I guess they saved my life all right between them, and I'm going to set them up for what's left of theirs.

"Not a word to him, as you live," said the Knight; "this may be an outlawry, as they call it, for what I know; and therefore I will bring no lands or tenements into peril, saving mine own. Sir Jasper hath had a troublesome time of it for many a year. By my will, he shall sit quiet for the rest of's days." Fang. A rescue! a rescue! Mrs. Quickly. Good people, bring a rescue or two. Henry IV. Part I.

"Is that a decent way to talk to a man who is going out? Never heed him, Dick! Let him wait for his dirty guineas till we return." "Thirty guineas?" hiccoughed Richard. "It was only eight. Anyhow wait'll I've sli' the gullet of's Mr. Wilding." He checked on a thought that suddenly occurred to him. He turned to Vallancey with a ludicrous solemnity. "'Sbud!" he swore.