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"Hilda," said Lalage, "look it out." Hilda chose, the largest dictionary and after a short hesitation picked up the volume labelled "Jab to Sli." She stared at the word without speaking for some time after she found it. Lalage and I looked over her shoulder and, when we saw the definition, stared too.

"I'll sli' throat of any man 't says so." And draining the pewter at his elbow, he smashed it down on the table to emphasize his seriousness. Trenchard replenished it with the utmost promptness, then sat back in his tall chair and pulled a moment at the fresh pipe with which he had equipped himself.

The cat also, seeing no means by which she could improve the disposition of mankind, heaving a sigh, slowly departs. The butterfly wings its way out of the room. Kamal Mani, tired of her work, puts it down, and turns to talk with Satish Babu. "Oh, Satu Babu, can you tell me why men go to office?" "Sli li bli," was the child's only answer.

"Is that a decent way to talk to a man who is going out? Never heed him, Dick! Let him wait for his dirty guineas till we return." "Thirty guineas?" hiccoughed Richard. "It was only eight. Anyhow wait'll I've sli' the gullet of's Mr. Wilding." He checked on a thought that suddenly occurred to him. He turned to Vallancey with a ludicrous solemnity. "'Sbud!" he swore.