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Here the man hesitated, growing red in the face. "Out with it," Dick smiled coolly. "I am a conscientious objector, sir," Pitson rejoined. "No matter what punishment may await me for refusing, I must decline to accept any duty that may call upon me to kill another human being." "Yet you would call a policeman, in the case of finding a burglar in your house?"

But if it be cheaper to employ free men than slaves in the West Indies, then they, who should emancipate their Negroes there, would promote their interest by so doing. "But hold!" says an objector, "we allow that their successors would be benefited, but not the emancipators themselves. These would have a great sacrifice to make.

Is there any better way of systematic teaching, than that of illustrating each new step, or having each new step illustrated to him by its identity in kind with the step the next below it? though it be the only mode in which this objection can be answered, yet it seems affronting to remind the objector, of rules so simple as that the complex must even be illustrated by the more simple, or the less scrutible by that which is more subject to our examination.

Let us look them over one by one. The most mischievous objector is the person, oftenest a woman, who says the war will be short, and fundamental changes, therefore, should not be made. This agreeable prophecy does not spring from a heartening belief in victory, but only from the procrastinating attitude, "Why get ready?"

And the consciousness of sin, the knowledge that they may at any moment fall into it, preserves them from the arrogance of goodness. 'There may be some small grain of sense in what thou sayest, chuckled the objector, 'but not enough to make sin righteous, nor yet to abrogate the sacred law. Suleymân pursued unheeding: 'I have a rare thing, which will show you what I mean.

To give the master a right to sell his servant, would annihilate the servant's right of choice in his own disposal; but says the objector, "to give the master a right to buy a servant, equally annihilates the servant's right of choice." Answer. Though servants were not bought of their masters, yet young females were bought of their fathers.

The great difficulty is then stated and grappled with, namely, how to reconcile these undue elections with divine goodness. The objector states that free will might exist without the power of making undue elections, he being suffered to range, as it were, only among lawful objects of choice.

Ask such an objector if he would prefer his dictionary of the English language arranged, not alphabetically, but subjectively, so that all medical terms should be defined only under medicine, all species of fish described only under fishes, etc., and he will probably say that there is no analogy in the case.

He had put his back into the business, and first-class talent is not common anywhere. One day a G. S. O. from a neighbouring division came to see me. 'Where on earth did you pick up that man Wake? he asked. 'He's a conscientious objector and a non-combatant, I said. 'Then I wish to Heaven we had a few more conscientious objectors in this show.

His strong and passionate nature gave gravity to his sentences, and every quibbling objector found himself answered, and more than answered, and the speakers who were to present the case found this stripling doing the work so much better than they could, that they urged him on with applause and loud cries of "Bravo! Bravo!"