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O'Hare followed a small brook, and after a while the old gentleman rabbit heard a bird singing: "I saw a little rabbit A-sitting by a tree, And I should say he'd lost his way That's how he looked to me." "Where did you see him?" asked Uncle Lucky excitedly. But what the little bird replied you must wait to hear in the next story.

"Hould yer han' out, ye black imp o' hell," he said to O'Hare. The sweep obeyed, but remarked that the town clock had already struck twelve. "I don't care a damn if it's thirteen!" he said. "That's fur bread, that's fur tay, that's fur tobacco an' that's fur somethin' that runs down yer throat like a rasp, fur me. Now don't let th' grass grow undther yer flat feet, ye divil."

We were particularly helped by one about a family half of whom died around a pot of stir-about that had come too late. When we heard Jamie say, "Things are purty bad, but they're not as bad as they might be," we knew a famine story was on the way. "Hould yer horses there a minute!" Billy O'Hare broke in.

That called the Butler Rifles was organized May 1, by Eben James and Thomas O'Hare. While these active preparations for war were progressing, Judge Crosby called a public meeting, April 20, at which the Pioneer Soldiers' Aid Association, the germ of the Sanitary Commission, was formed. The city government was liberal, too, in its appropriations for the families of absent soldiers.

I can in ten minutes get more rent than you pay, Mr. O'Hare, so now go to h l, and get the money, or out you go." The poor man stooped down, and with considerable search and difficulty, succeeded in picking up his money. "In two hours, sir," said he, "I could never do it."

O'Hare," exclaimed Phil, gathering up the money into a lump, and with all his force flinging it at the man's head; "this is your rent, Mister O'Hare," placing an emphasis of contempt on the word Mr.; "thirty shillings short, Mr. O'Hare, but I'll tell you what, Mr. O'Hare, by , if you don't have the full rent for me in two hours, Mr. O'Hare, I'll make short work, and you may sleep on the dunghill.

"In the course of the speech that resulted in this indictment, I am charged with having expressed sympathy for Kate Richards O'Hare, for Rose Pastor Stokes, for Ruthenberg, Wagenknecht and Baker. I did express my perfect sympathy with these comrades of mine. I have known them for many years.

Ann O'Hare, the chimneysweep's wife, was usually first on hand. She had the unenviable reputation of being the "dhirtiest craither" in the community. Jamie called her "Sooty Ann." "There's a gey good smell from yer pot, Anna," she said; "what haave ye in it th' day?" "Oh, jist a few sheep's throtters and a wheen of nettles." "Who gethered th' nettles?" Anna pointed to me.

These stars had able assistance in the persons of McEwan, one of the greatest centers the game has seen and who was chosen to lead the team in 1916, Weyand, Neyland and O'Hare, among the forwards, and the brilliant and sturdy Oliphant in the backfield, the man whose slashing play against the Navy in 1915 will never be forgotten. Oliphant was of a most unusual type.

I don't care how technical they are, either." "All right, Mr. Tutt," answered Bonnie. "I get you. Isn't there a new ordinance governing the filling of garbage cans?" "I think there is," nodded Mr. Tutt. "And meantime I think I'll drop over and see Judge O'Hare." "I'll settle her hash for her, the hussy!" declared Mrs. Pumpelly to her husband at dinner the following evening.