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Updated: August 29, 2024

"I I wish I might help you." "Ye can't, Miss. There ain't nothin' can be done for us 'nless the good Lord would take us all," and there was utter hopelessness and desperation in her voice. "Don't say that! It must be that there are better times in store for you all," said Janice. "With that?" asked Mrs. Narnay, nodding her uncombed head toward the sleeping drunkard. "Not much. Only for baby, here.

The prisoners, crowded together on the deck of the forecastle, glared at the apparition of the naked man in horror. After all, the mutineer had the most courage. "Blast my eyes!" he suddenly shouted. "Sanders wasn't never so big as him; 'nless he's growed since he was sent to the sharks." He sprang forward to peer into Drew's face.

He kept callin' f'r things till finally I had to take a pillow and go down on the dinin'-room lounge to keep from bein' woke up any more." "Do you think he's " "No, I don't think he's worse; not 'nless wakin' up 'n' askin' f'r things jus' to be aggravatin' is worse. If it is, then he is too. But, lor, there ain't no manner o' use in talkin' o' father! A watched pot never boils!

Then Allee got the scarlet fever, so I had to stay for a time. Just as she was getting well so they 'xpected to fumergate 'most any day, Cherry went to work and caught it, and now Hope is in bed. There are two more yet to have it, 'nless you count me, and I ain't going to get it.

"How long did you say you had known him?" I asked, idly. "All of twelve year. He come to my camp one day. Just walked up to the door like he'd come here and knock. But I didn't suppose there was another white man within five hundred miles 'nless he was aboard some craft beating through the straits. "He was civil spoken enough; but he never would open up.

I'm jes' tireder an' dryer 'n if I'd been tailin' down beef steers all day. My ol' tongue's been a-floppin' till thar ain't nary 'nother flop left in her 'nless I could git to ile her up with a swaller o' red-eye, an " regretfully "I reckon thar ain't no sort o' chanst o' that." "Thar ain't, hey?" replied Shang, producing a big jug from the brush near by.

"I shall enjoy a walk. I want to find out just how far it is, for I shall have to walk every day, you know." "No, you won't, neither, 'nless you wanta. I c'n always hitch up." "That'll be very nice sometimes, but I'm afraid I'd get spoiled if you babied me all the time that way. I'll be right down."

"Ain't ye never goin' to larn nuthin'," said Shorty, with a laugh. "Guard-mountin' don't mean fer the men to git on hosses. It's only the name they gives it in the Army Reggelations. Dunno why they calls it that, 'nless it's 'cause the guards has to 'mount' anybody that tries to pass 'thout the countersign. But don't ye fool yerself with thinkin' yer goin' to get to ride.

It came from the direction of Cottonwood Bottom, and was drawn by two very good horses. It was so far ahead, however, that neither Frances nor Mack could distinguish the outfit or recognize the driver. "Dunno who that kin be," said Mack, "'nless it's Bob Ellis makin' for Peckham's, too. I learned he was going to town this week." Bob Ellis was a small rancher farther south. Frances was doubtful.

"You say she ain't nothin' to you folks?" "But she is alone, and frightened." "Wal, I expect so. She did give me a start for fair. I don't know where she could have come from 'nless she belongs over toward Ridgeton at old Miz Abby Drake's. She's got some city folks stopping with her " "There she is!" cried Ruth, under her breath. A hobbling figure appeared for a moment on the side of the ravine.

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