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The thing seemed too terrible for her to put into words. "That I killed poor Paucis? That is true also, Mysa." Mysa gave a little cry of horror. "Oh, Ruth!" she cried, "this is too dreadful!" Ruth put her arms round the sobbing girl. "You may be sure, Mysa, that your brother did not do it intentionally." "But it is all the same," Mysa cried. "It was the sacred cat, you know the Cat of Bubastes."

Chebron cried excitedly, pacing up and down the chamber. "Mysa cannot bear Plexo. She spoke of him with something like horror when she heard of the proposal Ptylus made. I do not like him myself. He is thin lipped and crafty and cruel. Mysa had better be dead than married to him." "I think I can promise you, Chebron," Jethro said grimly, "that that marriage shall never come about.

Why Ruth should have fled I could not guess, because as soon as the soldiers appeared there was no more danger in remaining. Besides, I did not think Ruth was one to shrink from danger. However, there was no more to be learned, and I again went out into the streets." "Perhaps Ruth had gone to tell my mother that Mysa was lost," Chebron suggested when Jethro had gone so far in his story.

"We are fortunate, indeed, Jethro," Amuba said as they followed Chebron and Mysa into the garden. "When we pictured to ourselves as we lay on the sand at night during our journey hither what our life would be, we never dreamed of anything like this.

The country after a short distance had been passed became barren and desolate. They did not suffer from thirst, for an ample supply of fruit was carried by one of the bearers, but their limbs ached, and their feet, unused to walking, became tender and painful. "Can we not stop for awhile, Jethro?" Mysa asked beseechingly. Jethro shook his head. "We must keep on to the wells.

He half turned him round, and uttered a low exclamation of surprise. "Gastrion," he said to Chebron, "go with the young lady into the garden, and remain there until we join you." Chebron passed out on to the colonnade, following Mysa and Ruth. The moment they were unobserved Mysa threw her arms round him, and burst into tears with joy. "Oh, Chebron!" she exclaimed, "you have arrived just in time.

But the first to reach them were two gazelles, which bounded from one of the wooden huts and were in an instant beside them, thrusting their soft muzzles into the hands of Chebron and Mysa, while from the other structures arose a medley of sounds the barking of dogs and the sounds of welcome from a variety of creatures.

He was devoted to his sister, and for a moment this new calamity effaced the remembrance of those which had preceded it. "Mysa carried off!" he exclaimed at the same moment as Amuba. "Who has done it? when was it done? how did you learn it?" were questions which broke quickly from the lads. "On leaving here I went as arranged down into the city," Jethro replied.

Mysa exclaimed indignantly; "they have not left us a single thing." "They do not often get a chance of such dainty feeding," Amuba said. "I don't think we ought to blame them, especially as they do not seem to have done very much damage to our other goods." "Look how they have trampled down the bushes as they went through.

She greatly comforts and sustains Mysa, and Ameres said to me only this morning that Mysa was fortunate indeed in that Chebron had furnished her with so brave and steadfast a companion at a time like this." On the evening of the fifth day Jethro came suddenly in at the house. The boys started to their feet as he entered, for they saw at once that something terrible had happened.