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And now, on the march from Schouwen through Brabant, power beckoned to him. He had already tasted it, when the mutinous army to which he belonged attempted to pillage a smithy. He had stepped before the spoilers and saved the artisan's life and property.

Even Bill Moody, mutinous as he had shown himself before and lazy to a degree, now appeared metaphorically to "put his shoulder to the wheel," as if to make amends for the past, lending a willing hand to the preparations that were being made by Mr McCarthy for equipping the boats and laying down ways for launching them from the main-deck there being no davits now, nor any means for rigging a derrick to lift them over the side.

In the narrow pass the vast numbers of Barbarians went for nothing. They could not use their archers, they could not charge with their magnificent cavalry. The dead lay in heaps. The Medes attacked again and again. At last an end came to their courage. The captains laid the lash over their mutinous troops. The men bore the whips in sullen silence.

Rapid syllabication is also a characteristic of the song of the witches in the scene on the Brocken; but the witches sing in octaves and fifths except when they kneel to do homage to Mefistofele; then their chant sounds like the responses to John of Leyden's prayer by the mutinous soldiers brought to their knees in "Le Prophete."

In conformity to the above order the Court martial convened this day for the trial of John Newman, charged with "having uttered repeated expressions of a highly criminal and mutinous nature; the same having a tendency not only to distroy every principle of military discipline, but also to alienate the affections of the individuals composing this Detachment to their officers, and disaffect them to the service for which they have been so sacredly and solemnly engaged." The Prisonar plead not guilty to the charge exhibited against him.

And see the straggling letters 'Charity Strickland! I've always hated to destroy them. She was such a lazy, cunning little scholar!" Peter, smiling at the old books, had remembered her, a small, square Cherry, with a film of gold falling over a blazing cheek, and mutinous blue eyes. Ah the wonderful eyes were wonderful even then The date gave him a moment's shock.

He paused and held the pause with a keen feeling for dramatic effect, his eyes seeking in turn the faces of his fellow conspirators, an insuppressible grin of malicious exultation twisting his scornful and mutinous mouth.

"My intention was just to pay a flying visit to my honest old friend Burton here best man in my squadron but he is so hospitable, he's been pressing me to stay for a few weeks." "But the admiral says he must get back to-morrow morning," interposed Mr. Burton, firmly. "Unless I have a letter at breakfast-time, Burton," said Mr. Stiles, serenely. Mr. Burton favoured him with a mutinous scowl.

Here, again, was found one of the comparatively trivial incidents which contributed materially to the working out of a strange drama, because anything in the nature of a mutinous orgy breaking out in the first part of that soul-destroying night must have instantly converted the ship into a blood-bespattered Inferno. Excited applause rewarded the song.

They turned their eyes on the ground, with looks in which shame and embarrassment were mingled with displeasure. The Prince, who had been educated amongst the discontented and mutinous spirits of the court of St.