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Updated: August 5, 2024

"This isn't business," asserted the Major. "Of course not," agreed Uncle John, mildly. "No one has any business owning a farm. How did it happen. Major?" The old soldier had already forgotten his grievance. John Merrick was a multi-millionaire, to be sure; but there were palliating circumstances that almost excused him.

Harrison was a multi-millionaire, and the object of the envious glances of every other girl in the room; and so when Aunt Polly returned a while later she found the conversation between the two progressing very well, and in fact almost as much enjoyed by both as it had been the first time.

At the same time there appeared a California mine owner, a multi-millionaire, with whom her husband had manifold business dealings. He introduced his daughters into society and himself gave a number of luxurious dinners at which he tried to assemble guests of the most exclusive character.

"Pretty woman," said Captain Rayburn to Captain Ringgold. "Very pretty," replied the latter. "Between you and me, she is the particular reason why Frôler has prolonged his stay here to six months." "Then I congratulate him," added the commander. "Her father is not rich; Frôler does not care for that, for he is a multi-millionaire himself, counted in francs.

That swagman had a history, highly important, at all events, to himself. He had been born; he lived; he would probably die and if any human being wants a higher record than that, he must work for it. This man's personal value, judged by the standard which I, for one, dare not disown, was certainly as high as that of the average monarch or multi-millionaire.

"Without first examining the documents carefully?" asked the manager, in amazement, thinking how slipshod in his business methods the new proprietor of the great establishment was becoming since he suddenly found himself raised from a poor cashier to a multi-millionaire, and thinking that good old Mr. Marsh would turn over in his grave if he had heard that.

I received the stock, instantly sold it, and replaced the money to my credit, and the next day sent off an order for ten thousand pounds gas stock, and repeated the operation until I had made the impression I wanted to make on the mind of the manager, so that when I returned to London for my decisive interview and sent in my card he would at once recognize the name, F. A. Warren, as the multi-millionaire American who had been sending him ten thousand pound checks from Paris.

When they found out afterwards that the young Drake who talked to them so simply and unaffectedly was DeRhymer Drake, the multi-millionaire, they refused to believe it. "He was a mighty nice chap. He didn't put on a bit of side, and the dinner was some feast." And how could they know that Derry was envying them their cavalry yellow and their olive drab?

"What's the news, Uncle?" asked Miss Patricia Doyle, as she entered the cosy breakfast room of a suite of apartments in Willing Square. Even as she spoke she pecked a little kiss on the forehead of the chubby man addressed as "Uncle" none other, if you please, than the famous and eccentric multi-millionaire known in Wall Street as John Merrick and sat down to pour the coffee.

All contributions should be sent direct to W. F. Bippus, treasurer of the relief committee." In the bread-line on Monday was Eugene J. Parney, a multi-millionaire, whose gifts to charity have been very large and who recently included $25,000 to the Y. M. C. A. of this city. The day after the flood he was offering $1,000 for enough wood alcohol to heat malted milk for his infant grandchild.

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