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We removed to Windsor; and two days afterwards I received a parcel from her, my own letters all returned! and a few lines at the same time by the post, stating her extreme surprize at not having had the smallest reply to her last; and adding, that as silence on such a point could not be misconstrued, and as it must be equally desirable to both to have every subordinate arrangement concluded as soon as possible, she now sent me, by a safe conveyance, all my letters, and requested, that if I could not directly command hers, so as to send them to Highbury within a week, I would forward them after that period to her at : in short, the full direction to Mr.

Now that the die had been cast, in accordance with the counsels of his whole life, now that the royal commands, often enigmatical and hesitating; were at last too distinct to be misconstrued, and too peremptory to be tampered with the president imagined the possibility of delay. The health of the ancient Frisian had but recently permitted him to resume his seat at the council board.

She turned away as though the interview was at an end, and then halted. She had stepped into the circle of the moonlight so that her beauty shone full upon me. "I know that it concerns a great many people," she cried. "I know that it is all a part of the plot against my father!" I gave a gasp of consternation which she misconstrued, for she continued, bitterly. "Oh, I know everything," she said.

This propensity is not seldom misconstrued into the outcome of a mere personal vanity, whereas it has its root in the worthier sentiment of veneration for our Kind.

But what was she going to do when she got there, and how was she to excuse her strange visit after almost five years since she had seen the child? If there was truth in the rumor that she was connected with a shooting affair at the Blue Duck, and especially if there was truth in the charge that Mark had been going with her, would it not seem strange perhaps be misconstrued by Cherry?

"Oh, John, mother could not have so misconstrued my words. Surely my note explained I sent one in mother's letter." "It never reached me," John said, while Anna sighed at this proof of her mother's treachery. Always conciliatory, however, she soon remarked: "You are sole male heir to the Richards name. Mother's heart and pride are bound up in you.

But the first course involved denunciation of the Brooke girl. And what if she were innocent? What if, after all, these doubts of her were the specious spawn of facts misinterpreted, misconstrued? What if she proved to be all she seemed? Could he, even though what he had warned her he might be, the greatest rogue unhung, be false to a trust reposed in him by such a woman?

Mannering now found his farther interference would be unnecessary, and might be misconstrued. He therefore resolved, as his presence was altogether useless, to make a short tour of a fortnight, at the end of which period the adjourned sale of the estate of Ellangowan was to proceed. But before he departed he solicited an interview with the Dominie.

In these miserable days she had come to look for hidden meaning even in the expressionless faces of her trained servants, and now she misconstrued the respectful smile of welcome, brushed hastily past the maid who admitted her, and ran upstairs. Except for the servants she was alone. She rang for information concerning her brother; nobody had any. He had not been home in a week.

The more determined that our hero became to decline all offers of assistance from the man who had misconstrued his motives, the more of urbanity marked his manner, and it was with a smile of ineffable good-nature on his masculine features that he repeated, "Nothing, thank you quite sure. You will have done me the greatest possible service when you help my friend. Yet stay. You mentioned money.