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"Are you talking to yourself, or to me?" The rector of St. Antipas turned at one end of his walk. "To both of us, brother. I tell you there has been nothing between us never anything except the most flawless idealism. I admit that at the moment Nancy observed us the circumstances were unluckily such that an excitable, morbidly suspicious woman might have misconstrued them.

You had better write me unofficially, and then your letter will not be put on file, and cannot hereafter be used against you. You have been in Washington enough to know how every thing a man writes or says is picked up by his enemies and misconstrued. With kind wishes for your further success, I am yours truly,

Back he went, and then began a comedy which Hunston went through like a veteran actor, a comedy that was destined to have a tragic finale. "Toro," said Hunston to the Italian, "to you I may speak as the leader of these brave fellows; also to you, comrades in general, I may talk without fear of my motives being in any way misconstrued." "Speak on."

"But you need not do things that your better sense must tell you may be misconstrued. Surely there was a wish that you should live near the Colonel and be guided by him." "Little knowing that his guidance would consist in being set at me by Ellen and the Coffinkeys!" "Nonsense," said Mary, vexed enough to resume their old school-girl manners.

M. Domini misconstrued the meaning of this; he thought he saw in it a covert intention to banter him. "He has had a night to reflect upon it," he answered. "Is not twelve hours enough to mature a system of defence?" The detective shook his head doubtfully. "It is certain that he does not need it," said he. "Our prisoner doesn't trouble himself about a system of defence, that I'll swear to."

She paused, then went on more hurriedly: "For a while things went right; then slowly things, went wrong. You got your your nerves." Loder changed his position with something of abruptness. She misconstrued the action. "Please don't think I want to be disagreeable," she said, hastily. "I don't. I'm only trying to make you understand why why I lost heart."

After Rose had struck her blow at the secretary, the old gentleman noted all of Peter's permutations and misconstrued a dozen quite innocent actions on Peter's part into signs of bad faith. By a little observation he identified Cissie Dildine and what he saw did not reëstablish his peace of mind. On the contrary, it became more than probable that the cream-colored negress would lure Peter away.

It was contended, certainly by the most active, perhaps by the most numerous part of the community, not only that the treaties had been grossly misconstrued, but also that, under any construction of them, the interference of the executive acquired the sanction of legislative authority; that, until the legislature should interpose and annex certain punishments to infractions of neutrality, the natural right possessed by every individual to do any act not forbidden by express law, would furnish a secure protection against those prosecutions which a tyrannical executive might direct for the crime of disregarding its illegal mandates.

"Colonel Trench," said she, "is a prisoner at Omdurman." "Oh, yes," answered Durrance. "Feversham will not be quite alone. There is some comfort in that, and perhaps something may be done. When I hear from Calder I will tell you. Perhaps something may be done." It was evident that Durrance had misconstrued her remark.

Still, the members of the Vilnius Groups have misconstrued the signs of the gathering storm: the emerging European rapid deployment force and common foreign policy; the rapprochement between France and Germany at the expense of the pro-American but far less influential Britain, Italy and Spain; the constitutional crisis setting European federalists against traditional nationalists; the growing rupture between "Old Europe" and the American "hyperpower".