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Westall and his squad of Emergency men near Cedar Bluff landing. I had to, for somehow I didn't fall in with any but people of that stamp." "That was all right," answered the officer. "You couldn't have got through any other way." "So you see that Merrick's darkey told you nothing more than the plain truth," he added, addressing the citizen who had shaken a fist under his nose.

Watson brought into the drawing room the tin box containing the important Elmhurst papers in his possession, and having requested all present to be seated he said: "In order to clear up the uncertainty that at present exists concerning Miss Merrick's last will and testament, I will now proceed to read to you the document, which will afterward be properly probated according to law."

It was, of course, visible only now and then, but from the shafts of light seen, those on the steam yacht were certain somebody was moving from the north side of the isle to the location of the treasure cave. "We ought to head them off, if possible," declared Anderson Rover. "Should that be Merrick's crowd and they meet my sons there will surely be trouble!"

Merrick's party assembled at the breakfast table. "I must telephone the Santa Monica hospital and find out how our patient is," remarked Uncle John, when the meal was over; but presently he returned from the telephone booth with a puzzled expression upon his face. "A. Jones has disappeared!" he announced. "Disappeared! What do you mean, Uncle?" asked Beth.

'He will have concluded that you were kept at Mrs. Merrick's. You must take breath first. And we must not rouse up Chickaree at this hour. If you were known to have staid with Miss Maryland would not that be the best way? 'How is one to know the best, where all are bad? Hazel rested her head in her hands and sat thinking. 'No, said he quietly 'we'll try and not have that true.

Merrick's peculiarities only served to render him the more interesting to those who knew him best. He did astonishing things in a most matter-of-fact way and acted more on impulse than on calm reflection; so it is not to be wondered at that the queer little man's nieces had imbibed some of his queerness.

So one morning she sent word asking them all into her room, and when the nieces appeared they found Uncle John and the lawyer already in their aunt's presence. There was an air of impressive formality pervading the room, although Miss Merrick's brother, at least, was as ignorant as her nieces of the reason why they had been summoned.

Fantastic garbs, beggaring all fancy of a Teniers or a Callot, succeed each other, like monster devouring monster in a Dream. The whole too in brief authentic strokes, and touched not seldom with that breath of genius which makes even old raiment live. Merrick's valuable Work On Ancient Armor?

"Where do you want to go?" asked the boy. "To Jane Merrick's place. They call it Elmhurst, I guess." "It's straight ahead," said Kenneth, as the mare walked on. His questioner also started and paced beside him. "Far from here?" "A mile, perhaps." "They said it was three from the village, but I guess I've come a dozen a'ready." The boy did not reply to this.

A gleam of sunlight filtered through the bushes and fell aslant Jane Merrick's eyes; but not a lash quivered. James gave a scream that rang through the air and silenced even the birds. Then, shrieking like the madman he was, he bounded away through the hedge, sending old Martha whirling into a rose-bush, and fled as if a thousand fiends were at his heels. John Merrick and Mr.