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"Let me see," said Miss Crane, innocently; "who was it one of them Salters girls married, and lived across the way from the meetin'-house?" "Spauldin'," was the prompt reply. "Wal, I want t' know!" cried the spinster: "not Ezra Spauldin'?" Eliphalet nodded. That nod was one of infinite shrewdness which commended itself to Miss Crane.

Why, bless your dear, innocent, old soul, the fust time he wanted to wood up in a hurry, his religion would git, quicker'n lightnin'. The only steamboatman I ever knowed in the meetin'-house line went up for seven year for settin' fire to his own boat to git the insurance." Mrs. Simmons could not recall at the moment the remembrance of any pious captain, so she ceased laboring with Captain Sam.

S'pose I was to come to the meetin'-house in these clothes the only ones I've got d'ye s'pose any of the Lord's people 'd open a pew-door to me? An' spose my wife an' children, dressed no better 'n I be, but as good 's I can afford, was with me, how d'ye s'pose I'd feel?" "Pride goeth before a fall, an' a haughty sperit before," groaned the Deacon, when the carpenter again interrupted.

And if the stoppage in the crowd hadn't let up and they started on, I d'no but she would have canvassed the hull flower of the Romish meetin'-house; though we wuz told afterwards by one who pretended to know, that it wuzn't the Pope I had talked to and Arvilly had canvassed, but some other high dignitary in the meetin'-house.

How quick we forget the outs about anybody that's gone! But I always feel grateful to anybody that's friendly, situated as I be. I shall miss her runnin' over. I can seem to see her now, coming over the rise in the road. But don't you get in a way of takin' things too hard, Sarah Ellen! You've worked yourself all to pieces since I saw you last; you're gettin' to be as lean as a meetin'-house fly.

Kind o' roped safe to the desk in the meetin'-house, so the boys can't git foolin' wi' it. Yup," he went on, with an abstracted look in his expressive eyes, "religion's a mighty powerful thing when it gits around. Most like the fever. I kind o' got touched wi' it down Texas way on the Mexican border. Guess et wer' t' do wi' a lady I favored at the time; but that ain't here nor there.

I am not as gifted a man as HENRY WARD BEECHER. Even the congregation of Plymouth Meetin'-House in Brooklyn will admit that. Yes, I should think so. But while I don't have the slitest idee as to what the review was fur, I will state that the sojers looked pooty scrumptious in their red and green close. Come with me, jentle reader, to Quebeck.

'Well, says she, 'Huldy Peters is well enough at her trade. I never denied that, though I do say I never did believe in her way o' makin' button-holes; and I must say, if 'twas the dearest friend I hed, that I thought Huldy tryin' to fit Mis' Kit-tridge's plumb-colored silk was a clear piece o' presumption; the silk was jist spiled, so 'twarn't fit to come into the meetin'-house.

It is said to be the most beautiful in the world and I shouldn't wonder, 'tennyrate it goes fur, fur beyend the M. E. meetin'-house in Jonesville or Zoar or Loontown.

We all went out together, but separated after a while, promising to meet at luncheon time at our tarven, but we all went together as fur as the Cathedral. It is a noble buildin', covered with red, white and black marble, elegantly ornamented with panels and sculpture. And the hull meetin'-house is so beautiful, that it wuz remarked that "it ort to be kep' in a glass case."