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Updated: August 18, 2024

My man says the beasts are quiet enough, only playful, and I say the same; but I may be making a mistake. I went in the medder this morning, with my boy Ezry, and he could drive 'em anywheres, and he's only ten. Did they trouble your young folks, sir?" "Well, Dexter: you can answer that," said the doctor. "Trouble us? no!" said Dexter, laughing.

"But you objected to it, and there is no emergency in the present situation." "Volunteers to work in the medder, walk over to my right!" ordered the lieutenant of the riflemen, though with very ill grace.

A leg of the charger extended slantingly upward precisely as stiff as a stake. Around this motionless pair the shells still howled. There was a quarrel in A Company. Collins was shaking his fist in the faces of some laughing comrades. "Dern yeh! I ain't afraid t' go. If yeh say much, I will go!" "Of course, yeh will! You'll run through that there medder, won't yeh?"

Got kind o' skeered an' skittish when we sot down together, an' come to think it all over, 'twouldn't 'a' been right. "'You're wrong, Solomon, I answered. 'You ought to have a home of your own and a wife to make you fond of it. How is the Little Cricket? "'Cunnin'est little shaver that ever lived, said he. 'I got him a teeny waggin an' drawed him down to the big medder an' back.

There was always some question about an old rail fence that used to run "a leetle more to the left hand," or that was built up "a leetle more to the right hand," and so cut off a strip of his "medder land," or else there was some outrage of Peter Somebody's turkeys getting into his mowing, or Squire Moses's geese were to be shut up in the town pound, or something equally important kept him busy from year's end to year's end.

An' I've got a good claim, half timber, and runnin' water onter it, and twenty acre of medder. I s'pose mebbe she don't like my going' arter that air Frenchman's gal. But I didn't mean no 'fense, you know ten thousand in yaller gold's a nice thing to a feller like me what's been raised rich, and's kinder used to havin' and not much used to gittin'. I wouldn't want her to take no 'fense, you know.

"You cut ercrost the medder to Peter Boneses' an' fetch 'em over with all their grit an' guns an' ammunition." Solomon found John Irons and five of his sons and three of his daughters digging potatoes and pulling tops in a field near the house. The sky was clear and the sun shining warm. Solomon called Irons aside and told him of the approaching Indians. "What are we to do?" Irons asked.

It's a powerful tryin' sort of way, and finally it come so that, if Reuben said we was in for a wet spell, Stephen'd start right off and begin to mow his medder grass, and if Stephen 'lowed there was a sharp thunder-shower comin' up, inside of ten minutes, Reuben'd go and git his waterin'-pot and water every blamed thing he had in his garden.

"There's a path certainly from stile to stile, but it only leads to my farrest medder, and though I never says nothing to nobody who thinks it's a nice walk down there by the river to fish or pick flowers or what not, though they often tramples my medder grass in a way as is sorrowful to see, they're my medders, and the writing's in my strong-box, and not a shilling on 'em.

And then, all of a sudden, as Isabelle stood there in front of that pretty girl down by the medder brook amongst the deep grasses All of a sudden it come to me who the girl looked like: it wuz Isabelle.

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