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With the two uv 'em to manidge, I'm betwixt tommyhock an' buzzard, so to speak, an' I won't hev a minit's peace tell I wollop 'em both, an' mek 'em behave therse'ves. So I reckon I'll hafto talk in kindah gen'ral terms, or in par'bles, ez Brothah Stone would say, when Abner axes me 'bout my intahview with Hiram." The opportunity for Rogers' diplomatic use of "par'bles" came that evening.

"'Pears to me, though, she acted more lak a stepmother couldn't manidge us herse'f, but wuz jealous uv us settin' up fur ourse'ves. Still, that's all past an' gone. We got our freedom ez soon ez it wuz good fur us, I reckon; so I shan't hold no gredge agin her 'spesh'ly ez it won't mek a mite o' diffruns to her ef I do. Whut part o' Virginny air you frum, suh?" "Culpeper County, near "

First, I wonder how you'd manidge to gib me a t'rashin', an' second, I wonder if your own moder would rikognise you arter you'd tried it." At this the monkey turned its other ear as if to make quite sure that it heard aright. Nigel laughed shortly. "But seriously, Moses," he continued; "what do you think I should do? Should I reveal my suspicions to Van der Kemp?"

First, I wonder how you'd manidge to gib me a t'rashin', an' second, I wonder if your own moder would rikognise you arter you'd tried it." At this the monkey turned its other ear as if to make quite sure that it heard aright. Nigel laughed shortly. "But seriously, Moses," he continued; "what do you think I should do? Should I reveal my suspicions to Van der Kemp?"

"Pretty 'igh," returned the ghost. "But h'I carn't be a duke, ye know. 'Ow'll I manidge that?" Hankinson explained his wife's scheme to the spectre. "That's helegant," said she. "H'I've loved a butler o' the Bangletops for nigh hon to two 'undred years, but, some'ow or hother, he's kep' shy o' me. This'll fix 'im. But h'I say, Mr.

He kin mek an ash cake or a hunk o' middlin' disappear 'bout ez fast ez the nex' one; an' when it comes to tacklin' a stack o' flitters seasoned with maple merlasses, he kin beat all creation, unless 'tis Tommy an' Buddy, an' the amount o' vittels them two shavers kin manidge to stow 'way is 'nough to mek a pusson think ther laigs is holler.

"De fust time yes; but dat won't prevent him gobblin' up de biskits quick. Neber fear, you an' me'll manidge it 'tween us." "Thank you, dear Sally, I'll never, never forget your kindness, and we will try your plan to-morrow." The very next day, accordingly, Hester Sommers and her friend sallied forth to present Hugh Sommers with a couple of biscuits!

"My Dear Nephew, It was my earnest whish e'er this to have returned to London, where I am sure you and my niece Titmarsh miss me very much, and where she, poor thing, quite inexperienced in the ways of 'the great metropulus, in aconamy, and indeed in every qualaty requasit in a good wife and the mistress of a famaly, can hardly manidge, I am sure, without me.

But never, never, never, as long as I'm able to manidge my own ah!" Mrs Durby terminated here with one of her own appalling shrieks, for it was at this precise moment that John Marrot happened, as already described, to have occasion to knock a cart and horse to atoms.

I've been castin' longin' eyes on it myse'f, but I couldn't manidge no more land jes' now, I reckon. So my advice fur you is to buy uv Lucky right away. An', I tell you whut, ef you hain't got money 'nough by you jes' now, I'll lend it to you, an' tek a morgitch on the land.