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Updated: August 20, 2024

All these judgments are confirmed by his latest book, wherein may be noted the same impeccable correctness of language, the same firm grasp upon form, the same abundancy, force and originality of thought that make of him the only thinker among our writers of fiction, the same sad, bitter irony ... "After this there was published another book by Sr. Machado de Assis, Yayá Garcia.

Good-bye, my dear sir. If you deem these notes not totally devoid of value reward me for them with a marble tomb, and place there for my epitaph this variant which I have made of the divine sermon on the mount: "Blessed are they who possess, for they shall be consoled." By Joaquim Maria Machado de Assis

His second manner, then, of which these books are the best example, is only the logical, natural, spontaneous development of his first, or rather, it is the first manner with less of the romantic and more of the critical tendencies ... The distinguishing trait of Machado de Assis is that he is, in our literature, an artist and a philosopher.

Next morning I read in the papers a full account of the "Apoteose" of Machado dos Santos, which seems to have kept Torres Vedras busy and happy all day long. One can not but smile at such simple-minded ebullitions of feeling; yet I would by no means be understood to laugh at them. On the contrary, they are so manifestly spontaneous and sincere as to be really touching.

Then Galvão, one of the most prominent of the Ministerial party, turned against his own side, and urged the immediate proclamation of the Emperor. Another eminent member of the Assembly, Alvares Machado, declared "that the cause of the Emperor was the cause of the nation, and ought to receive the approbation of every lover of his country."

Senor Machado treated it as the most ordinary incident possible: "It was always likely to leak, for it was an old vessel that had been left as worthless high and dry on the beach, and he had bought it very cheap." When the leaks were stopped, we proceeded on our journey and at night reached the mouth of the Anapu. I wrapped myself in an old sail, and fell asleep on the raised deck.

Towards evening, it began to blow stiffly, the vessel heeled over very much, and Senor Machado, for the first time, trembled for the safety of his cargo; the leaks burst out afresh when we were yet two miles from the shore.

This war will last long and our chance will come. 'But you may miss your market, he said significantly. 'A ship sails tomorrow for Rotterdam. If you take my advice, you will go with her. This was what I wanted, for if we stayed in Lisbon some real soldier of Maritz might drop in any day and blow the gaff. 'I recommend you to sail in the Machado, he repeated.

The squadron sails along the coast on Christmas Day That part is named Natal Reaches the "River of Mercy" Careen ships The Saint Miguel broken up Coelho ascends the river Meets natives, who come on board A column erected A native vessel sighted Chase another Davane, a Moorish broker, captured Offers to conduct them to Cambay A zambuk taken Davane engaged in the service of the Portuguese Squadron enters harbour of Mozambique The sheikh visits the Saint Raphael Promises to send pilots His intended treachery Machado left on shore Voyage along coast continued The pilots plot to wreck the ships Anchor off Mombas Two convicts sent on shore Narrow escape of the Saint Raphael A zambuk taken, with her owner and his wife Melonda reached Friendly reception by the King of Nicholas Coelho visits him The captains pay him a visit in great state The King comes on board the Saint Raphael Pleasant intercourse with the people.

Said Bernardino Machado: "The Republic is the fatherland organized for its prosperity.... I believe in the moral forces of Portugal, which are carrying us directly toward the new order of things.... We shall triumph because the right is on our side, and the moral idealism; peacefully if we can, and I think it pretty sure that we can, since no public force can stop a nation on the march."

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