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Presently he was moved to essay the realization of this ideal and was for a time betrothed to Karoline von Feuchtersleben, her aristocratic connections being partially reconciled to the mésalliance by Richter's appointment as Legationsrat.

The debts must be paid now; you must marry an heiress, M. le Comte, there is nothing left for you to do." "And take her where you may find her," said the Duchess. "A second mesalliance!" exclaimed Mlle. Armande. The Duchess began to laugh. "It is better to marry than to die," she said. As she spoke she drew from her waistcoat pocket a tiny crystal phial that came from the court apothecary. Mlle.

The face of the son was whitened and sharpened by acute suffering, and his blue eyes flushed with a peculiarly cold sarcastic light as he exclaimed bitterly: "That General Laurance should so far forget the aristocratic associations and memories of the past, as to wrap his ambitious name around the person and character of a pretty coulisse queen, certainly surprises his son, in whom he would never have forgiven such a mésalliance; but chacun

Pomfret did not wish to see Victoria make a mesalliance. "My dear Fanny," Mrs. Flint had cried, lifting herself from the lace pillows, "what do you expect me to do especially when I have nervous prostration? I've tried to do my duty by Victoria goodness knows to bring her up among the sons and daughters of the people who are my friends. They tell me that she has temperament whatever that may be.

Inclined as he was to Reuben's wooing from his eligibility as to property, he was conscious that he was sadly deficient in certain qualities inherent in the Clay family. It certainly would be a kind of mésalliance.

"I could sit at thy feet as under a green palm-tree, and fancy that Paradise-birds were singing in the boughs." Rafael read his thoughts. "We have Saxon blood too in our veins," he said. "You smile! but it is even so. An ancestress of ours made a mesalliance in the reign of your King John.

His father did not approve it, but this connection was undeniably better than those he had previously declared or concealed. Bob, it seemed evident, was fated to make a mesalliance a pity, seeing his parts and prospects.

Neither his father nor his mother ever willingly conversed of the fallen heiress, it was a subject which the children had felt to be proscribed; but in the neighbourhood, Percival had of course heard some mention of Lucretia as the haughty and accomplished Miss Clavering, who had, to the astonishment of all, stooped to a mesalliance with her uncle's French librarian. That her loss of the St.

Le Noir, that your manner of speaking of my betrothal is equally insulting to myself, Doctor Rocke and my dear father, who never would have plighted our hands had he considered our prospective marriage a mesalliance." "Nor do I suppose he ever did plight your hands while in his right senses!" "Oh, sir, this has been discussed before.

Good old phrases, clover-scented and rosy-hued, that had lain in cold storage for years, were brought out and used with conscious pride. There was one paper which boldly hinted at what it called her "mesalliance," and drew a lurid picture of her domestic unhappiness, "so bravely borne."