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"As to mésalliance, there's no blood on any side," said Lady Pentreath. "Old Admiral Arrowpoint was one of Nelson's men, you know a doctor's son. And we all know how the mother's money came." "If they were any mésalliance in the case, I should say it was on Klesmer's side," said Deronda. "Ah, you think it is a case of the immortal marrying the mortal.

A wealthy marriage; even if it must be a 'mesalliance. I think at your age, with your appearance, that your name is worth at least two million francs in the eyes of a rich 'roturier' with an ambitious daughter." "Alas!" said the young man, rising, "I see I shall have to go back to Rochebriant. I cannot sell my castle, I cannot sell my creed, and I cannot sell my name and myself."

Granny, in her age, was so absurdly set on the mésalliance, and so obliging and pleasant about everything else the Vicar and the little lasses were so provokingly careless of the wrong done them and the injury to the family, that she knew very well, when her back was turned, they formed as nonsensically hilarious a bridal party as if the wedding had concerned one of themselves and not the bachelor uncle, the squire of Larks' Hall.

'Then all I have to say is, returns Podsnap, putting the thing away with his right arm, 'that my gorge rises against such a marriage that it offends and disgusts me that it makes me sick and that I desire to know no more about it. 'Hear, hear, hear! cries Lady Tippins. 'Your opinion of this MESALLIANCE, honourable colleagues of the honourable member who has just sat down?

She would die rather than consent to so degrading a mésalliance; and should he persist in yielding to such gross infatuation, she would not only disinherit, but banish him her house, and cast him forth a beggar on the world.

There are but few men who would like to marry the widow of a coiner." "You mistake me, Jeff. You mistake me altogether," he answered, walking up and down the room, with one boot off. "That would make but little difference to me. I've no relations to sing out about a mesalliance, you know. No, my dear old fellow, not that; but Jeff, Jeff! You are the dearest friend I have in the world."

Madame did know this very well; and apart from her terror of a mesalliance for the heir of Braelands, there was the fact that his family had always had great political influence, and looked to a public recognition of it.

Shop-bills and coats-of-arms were probably the mainstay of his livelihood at this period, though plates for books were beginning, little by little, to come in his way; but when in 1730 he clandestinely married the daughter of Sir James Thornhill, the Court painter was so incensed at this mèsalliance that he refused the young couple any acknowledgment.

With fast-throbbing heart, the duchess bent forward to hear her son's rejection of this insulting mesalliance, when lo! that son, with a placid smile, accepted the pen, and signed! A cry had well-nigh burst from his mother's lips, as, with every show of respect, he presented her the pen. The young duke uttered a howl, and, rubbing his cheek, jumped behind the hooped dress of his bride-elect.

"She is good," cried Ronald "good and fair, modest and graceful. Her heart is pure as her face is fair. What mesalliance can there be, father? I never have believed and never shall believe in the cruel laws of caste. In what is one man better than or superior to another save that he is more intelligent or more virtuous?"